ISSUE: A.1 | Malicious conduct – registrar duty to investigate | |
Priority: | RAA Final Report (High Priority Item) |
Issue/Request | Registrars to take reasonable steps to investigate and respond to any reports (including reports from law enforcement and governmental and quasi-governmental agencies) of illegal, criminal or malicious conduct in connection with the use of domain names.
| Source: LEA Code of Conduct
Notes | Additional information regarding requests:
LEA: Registrars should provide complainants with a well-defined, auditable way to track abuse complaints (e.g. a ticketing or similar tracking system)
RAA-DT 1) Incorporate a provision in the RAA establishing a duty of registrars to investigate and report to ICANN on actions the registrar has taken in response to reports received from a credible third-party demonstrating illegal malicious conduct involving domain names 2) Adopt a Registrar Code of Conduct (RAA 3.7.1) that incorporates provisions to achieve similar results
| Source:
Original request from LEA to the RAA-DT
RAA-DT Final Report |
Discussion Points | Description | Date Discussed |
| New GTLD Registry Agreement language (See Section 2.8) generally acceptable; continued discussion needed re: authentication, definitions (“quasi-governmental,” “credible third-party”), tracking.
Continued discussion on definition of “quasi-governmental.”
Continued discussion of scope of LE request for tracking, auditing and responding to complaints from LE and from the public; discussion regarding standardization; discussion of publication of registrar’s process regarding complaints submitted. | 18 Nov 2011
2 Dec 2011
8 Dec 2011 |
Proposed Text | Open |
Status/Outcome | Under Discussion |
Explanation | Open |
COMMENTS: | Comments may be submitted using the “Add Comment” feature below. |