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For other times:

Proposed Agenda – new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team meeting – Thursday 12 May at 21.00 UTC

  1. Roll Call / SOI
  2. Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint:
    • Further comments / questions from DT (see latest version attached which includes comments from Jonathan and Sylvia)
    • Update from Sam on which elements need to be reflected in the charter
    • Update from Erika on which further constraints may exist from the perspective of the audit committee
  3. Finalize review of public comments and identification of which items should be considered in relation to the development of the charter
    • Discuss comments from DT (if any are received) 
    • Erika and Russ to provide update on distillation of  general principles from public comments
  4. Review and consideration of next steps in relation to charter section questions and example language (see latest version attached which includes comments from Alan and Sylvia)
  5. Helsinki meeting planning – (tentatively) Tuesday 28 June from 13.30 to 14.45 as part of the GNSO schedule
  6. Confirm next meeting – 26 May at 13.00 UTC



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