Audience is requested to take their seat by 12:50 PM for us to start the Show on Time
(special Special agenda item for Tokyo Showonly:there will be is a meeting of the local Registrars from 9AM to 11:30AM in at the same venue; Registries may attend to as observers; limited number of 10-minute slots are available for Registries to introduce themselves to the Registrar; contact dennis.chang@icann.org )
Day 1: 1 PM to 6 PM: Act 1
30-60 minute appointments are available to Registries on a first come, first served basis. Please note your request and desired time slot in the comment box when registering for the workshop. ICANN will confirm your appointment.
Remote Access
- https://icann.adobeconnect.com/registryroadshow/
- Please check this link just prior to the Roadshow to ensure latest link.
- There is no need to register for remote access to the Roadshow