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Wednesday July 17, 2013           /  9:00 am – 11:00 am

Hall 2C



Wednesday July 17, 2013 /  9:00 am – 11:00 am


  1. Welcome (Tim Switzer)
  2. Introduction of New Officers (ExCom)
  3. Approval of 26 June 29 May 2013 Minutes (Tim Switzer)
  4. NTAG Membership Update (Josh Zetlin)
  5. Treasurer’s Report (Liz Sweezey)
  6. Registry Agreement and RAA (Jordyn Buchanan)

-               COI Changes from ICANN (Maxim Alzoba)

-               Brand Registry Group (BRG) update on RA discussions (Liz Sweezey)

7. TMCH (Jeff Neuman)

8. GAC Advice (Sarah Falvey)

    1. Safeguard Advice
    2. NTAG Letter
    3. NGPC timeline / next steps

9. PICDRP (Statton Hammock)

10. PDT (Jeff Eckhaus)

11. Community Priority Evaluation – CPE (Craig Schwartz)

12. RRA Working Group Update on Final Document  (Statton Hammock)

13. Discussion on Excess Funds from Application Fees (Tim Switzer)

14. Domain Name Industry Trade Association Update (Statton Hammock)

15.NTAG to RySG Transition (Sarah Falvey)

16. Any Other Business (All)