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Name of Event: An Evening with At-Large: Honoring the RALOs


NameItemDate and TImeComment
GlennSecure donationsEnd of julyJuly

As of July 26, Google $5k and CIra for $2KAffilias is the last sponsor

As of 26 September, Afilias confirmed for $2,500 (HU)

GlenRoom Booking via Gisella Gruber of ICANNEnd of JulyFollowup with Gisella
GisellaBook CateringMiddle of Aug 
GlennArrange for entertainersMiddle of AugDiscussion with the Ontario Metis for dancers and fiddlers, Traditional music
GisellaSpecifications sent to staff for sound systemJuly 30 
 Secure Keynote speaker July 25, Michael Geist as alternative but fee is too high, rejected

New Design for new 5th ann design for website, print etc

Order of pull up banner

 Order brochures, invitations,certificates  
 Distribution to members blocks of invitation cards-Limited invitesOct 12-14 


Confirmation on July 24 of $2,000 donation for sponsorship from Julie Lepine



 Phone    613-760-3307.

  Lynn Gravel,  Manager, Corporate Affairs


Spoke at ICANN Prague on Sponsorhip and interested
Followup with Desiree Milosavitch, will content on Monday July 9th

No amount yet but aiming for $2,500 similar to the amount of 2500Euros for the Prague event

Confirmed between $2 and $3K  and Darlene did followup emal to Desiree