Roll Call – Staff (2 mins)
Welcome and Introduction to the Call- Greg Shatan - NARALO chair (5 mins)
Review of upcoming priorities for NARALO - Greg Shatan-(15 mins)
ICANN 79 NARALO activities:
NARALO Town Hall meeting, NARALO Plenary Roundtable, and NARALO Networking event
- NARALO UA Day activities:https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Activities+at+the+2024+Universal+Acceptance+Day ICANN 79 - Community forum. Prep week: 20-22 February
ALAC/CPWG ICANN Policy & Public comments update - ALAC members: Bill Jouris, Jonathan Zuck, Eduardo Díaz (
1015 mins).
NARALO UA Day update - Greg Shatan (10 mins)
2024 Nomcom Update - Alfredo Calderon (5 mins)
AOB - Greg Shatan (5 mins)