- May 19 Tribal Ambassador planning call with Matthew, Loris, Judith, Glenn and staff
- Meet the candidate call on May 17 for ALAC and NOMCOM candidates
- 4th reminder of the ALS Survey
- Election
- NARALO 2017 Elections
- Acclaimed Eduardo DIaz as Chair
- Acclaimed Glenn McKnight as secretariat
- Majority vote John Laprise- ALAC
- Majorty vote- Leah Smelkyer- Needs ALAC approval
- CROPP FY 18 page Draft RALO Outreach Strategic Plans for FY18
- Update on NARALO Strategic plan- Alfredo
- NARALO GA Report distributed as pdf and ebook
- Conversion of numerous presentations to ebooks- http://online.fliphtml5.com/gnel/zkai/ Domain Abuse Tool
- Med Term NARALO Report
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12e3sBXoBrDX8a1lqykeJRK6D4lFC82jPOBbYb3odwCI/edit#slide=id.p4
- Work in progress
- Outstanding the NARALO Strategic plan
- Refine the local discretionary funds for ALS
July 2017
- Creation of a Discretionary Funding Application form and criteria
- ALAC acknowledges Leah Smelkyer as the NOMCOM appointee
- ICANN 59 Meeting in Joberg
- Booking of first information session for new ALS and Unaffiliated membership in September
- Creation of a newcomers orientation booklet
- Global Indigenous Committee selection of a Mentee
- Substitute selection committee met and selected Evan Leibovitch in replacement for Garth Bruen for ICANN 60, note Garth still has the voting rights
- Notice for Mentor closed on July 31st sent to NARALO list
- Promotion of the 3 extra spots announced by Alan G for participation . closes on Aug 2