3.4 NARALO-originated Special Budget requests (Staff)
(link: At-Large FY16 Budget Development Workspace)
3.5 IANA transition issues (Olivier)
3.6 Capacity building Survey - https://es.surveymonkey.com/s/RNNCL9V (Staff)
a) CROPP RT (Allan/Darlene/Staff)
b) Outreach and Engagement Subcommittee (Glenn/Murray/Staff)
4.3 ALAC Review Team Processes and timelines (Evan/Judith/Staff)
5. At-Large Review (Holly Raiche)
a) slides
b) link: slides
link; At-Large Review Workspace
4.4 Processes and timelines (Evan/Judith/Staff)
5.1 Selection of NARALO representatives to At-Large Review WG
6. Policy Updates
6.1 ICANN Compliance Issue - (Garth)
6.2 Other policy development issues (staff)
7. Any Other Business - (Evan) (5 min)
8. Adjournment
ALAC Policy Development Activities