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  • 2014 LACRALO ALAC Representative Selection



2014 LACRALO ALAC Representative Selection

ALAC Members

Nominated By/Supported By

Date Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)
Juan Manuel Rojas

Self nomination

Carlos Aguirre

Jhonder Depablos- Venezuelan

(Ministry of Communications and Information)

Note: "apoyado por quien no representa a una ALS acreditada en LACRALO"

Supported for whom does not represent an ALS accredited in LACRALO

July 28thDev Anand Teelucksingh  (No) 
Vanda ScarteziniAntonio MedinaJuly 30th  


PROPOSED  Timeline:


* Nominations open : 23 de julio 2014 

* Nominations close : 30 de julio 2014

  • Deadline for nominations acceptance: Until 04 August 2014

* The  elections period online : 4 - 8 August  2014


2014 LACRALO Regional Selections 

Nominations for LACRALO Chair

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results
Sergio Salinas PortoJohnny Laureano

Humberto Carrasco

Diego Acosta Bastidas

Sergio Bronstein

Feb 7th

Jose Arce 

Alberto Soto

Jose Arce

Carlos Aguirre

Natalia Enciso

Jan 30th ELECTED

Nominations for LACRALO Secretariat

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) 
Humberto CarrascoSylvia Herlein Leite

Sergio Salinas Porto

Diego Acosta

Jose Oviedo

Feb 7th

Sylvia Herlein LeiteELECTED

Juan Manuel Rojas

  • José Arce

Carlos Aguirre

Alberto Soto

Jan 29th





Please note the vote for LACRALO Election March 2014/LACRALO Elecciones Marzo 2014 has now ended.


Nominations for NOMCOM representative

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) 
Carlos Aguirre Guillermo Zamora

 July 25th


July 28th

Vanda Scartezini (no) 

Sylvia Herlein Leite

 Vanda Scartezini 

July 28th

 July 28th









Preguntas para NOMCOM - 2014

1.            Asegura no tener ningún tipo de compromisos personales fijos a determinadas personas, organizaciones u objetivos comerciales en el desempeño de sus responsabilidades del Comité de Nominaciones?

2.            Cite su participación en cargos, funciones, grupos de trabajo, etc  en ICANN, desde su incorporación a LACRALO

3.            Cite cargos o funciones donde ha debito tomar decisiones en forma colegiada.

4.            Describa como considera que será la mejor forma que cumplirá sus funciones en el NOMCOM.

5.            Describa prioritariamente las cualidades que consideraría para seleccionar un postulante al NOMCOM

6.            Idem para un postulante a la Junta Directiva

7.            Cuál es el SOI que ha presentado? - por favor incluyalo en la WIKI o haga referencia a el
