Call management: Julia Charvolen
- A G E N D A
- Welcome and Review Update on the development of the Agenda (Sandra Hoferichter) - 3 minutes
Roll Call (Staff) - 2 minutes
Survey Results and Analysis (Sandra and All) - 45 minutes
- See: Survey Summary
- See: Survey Detailed Results
Beijing Meeting Agenda (Sandra) - 5 minutes
- Beijing Meeting: Monday, 8 April - 15:00-16:00 in Function Room 6
Next Steps (Sandra Hoferichter) - 10 minutes
- Any other Business (Sandra Hoferichter) 5 minutesOnline Education Platform (OEP)
- gather your feedback for the Durban agenda see: Academy Working Group Session - 2013.07.15 - Durban
- Discussion how the WG organizes in order (i.e. formation of subgroups)
- to provide input to the OEP
- craft a matrix of all the training programs funded and conducted by ICANN to see whether coordination or supplementation are needed (proposal by Hong)
- work on the curriculum for the Pilot Leadership Training Programme
- discuss and reaching out to participants and trainers