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Participants:  Evan Leibovitch, Yrjö Länsipuro, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond, Pasteur Peters Omoragbon, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Dev Anand Teelucksingh

Apologies:  Eric Brunner-Williams

Absent:  Baudouin Schombe, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Matías Altamira, Daniel Monastersky, Carlos Aguirre

Staff:  Seth Greene, Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber-White, Samantha Eisner (ICANN Legal)


1.  Roll call – 5 min

2.  Review of AIs from 13 January meeting – Co-Chairs, 5 min


     a)  Seth to confirm with WTs B, C, and D that they will not be proposing any Bylaw changes (which would need to be bundled with the WT A preamble to be sent to the SIC and Board).

            -  Status:  Completed.

            -  Summary: 

                     -  WT B expecting no ICANN Bylaw changes but will likely need RALO Bylaw changes.

                     -  WT C unlikely to need ICANN Bylaw changes, but will not know until next month, once RALO contributions to its SWOT analyses are collected.

                     -  WT D expects needing no ICANN Bylaw changes.

If another WT decides it definitely needs an ICANN, ALAC, or RALO Bylaw change, it should inform WT A as soon as possible.

There is a need to move forward quickly with all the WTs’ needed ICANN Bylaw changes, because these changes take much time to implement.  On the other hand, there is a benefit to presenting all the needed ICANN Bylaw changes to the Board bundled together. 

Despite the possibility of ICANN Bylaw changes from WT C, WT A decided to move ahead with its own two ICANN Bylaw changes – the replacement of the current XI, 2, 4, a with the preamble (see agenda item # 3 below) and revision to the current XI, 2, 4, j (see agenda item # 4 below),   This is because of the importance of WT A’s changes, the fact that they’re ready to be put forward for public comments, and any change from WT C seems unlikely.



3.  Finalization of preamble for use within Bylaws – Co-Chairs, 5 min

            -  See Proposed Draft Preamble (as revised by WT A on 13 Jan)

All members of the WT agreed that they are happy with the wording of the preamble.

Therefore, Samantha suggested that – unless there are changes desired by the broader ALAC – this wording next be proposed for a public comment period, after which it could be sent to the Board by mid-February. 

4.  Discussion of possible revision to Article XI, 2, 4, j, mentioned in Legal Dept Drafts: ICANN Bylaws – Samantha, 15 min

            -  See WT A Drafts:  ICANN Bylaw Changes

The preamble (see above) is akin to an overall mission statement.  This change to XI, 2, 4, j is being made in order to specifically describe how part of the preamble’s mission statement would be implemented.

The members of the WT present unanimously approved of the wording of this change to XI, 2, 4, j being proposed by Samantha. 

Therefore, Samantha recommends that the WT keep both the changes to XI, 2, 4, a (the preamble) and XI, 2, 4, j bundled together – that is, have their public comment periods be at the same time, present them to the Board together and at the same time, etc.

The WT agreed to this proposal.

>>  AI:  Samantha to produce (a) a red-lined version of the changes to both ICANN Bylaw section XI, 2, 4, a (the proposed preamble) and XI, 2, 4, j and (b) a timeline of the steps to implement these changes.

5.  Discussion of possible WT B public comment (or public comment suggestion to the ALAC) regarding the ATRT’s Final Report – Co-Chairs, 10 min

             -  See WT A Drafts:  Suggested ALAC comment on ATRT Final Recs

             -  See ATRT Final Recommendations public comment announcement.

The WT supported, without any changes, the wording of the ALAC comment as it was written by Cheryl in the ALAC meeting earlier this week.

6.  Need to begin interacting with and making proposals to the ALAC – Olivier and Cheryl; 5 min

Following is a summary of Olivier’s comments on this same topic from the 26 January 2011 WT B call:

The work teams need to finalize their proposals and action plans regarding how to implement.  The ALAC will make the final decisions about requesting budgeting for these proposals how they fit into the ALAC and ICANN strategic plans.  So the WTs must translate their ideas into proposals for the ALAC; specifically, the WT needs to look at its proposals under development and decide which are mature enough to bring to the ALAC (for example, Sandra’s proposal on training). 

Furthermore, Olivier requested the WTs prioritize any proposals certainly that would need ICANN Bylaw changes and even those that would require RALO Bylaw changes to send to the ALAC as soon as possible.  Such changes take a long time.  Perhaps, if the WTs move quickly and prioritize this group of proposals, the ALAC could handle them in San Francisco.

Olivier also suggested that the WTs consider using the FY12 Budget request template as part of their proposals to the ALAC.  If the WT does not know the actual dollar amount that a proposal would cost, it should just leave that blank.  The ALAC or the Staff can often help with that.

7.  Deadlines and final reporting – Seth; 5 min

      -  See WT A Simplified Improvements Outline

Seth reported:  The only deadline important to the SIC and Board was for Recommendation 2 (the At-Large-selected Board member).  The deadline for all the other recommendations has been self-imposed as the end of March 2011.  There will probably be some but not a lot of leeway around that date.  Of course, it would be ideal if all the recommendations could be resolved by the ICANN San Francisco meeting, but it’s likely that some of the WTs are lagging behind that timeline.

Seth also reported:  We’re looking into the form of the final reporting that will need to be done.  The final reporting, of course, is the responsibility of the ALAC.  There’s no precedent.  But the Improvements project previous project plan and status report were well received by the Board and SIC, so we could consider sticking to that format, which basically was a short report covering each recommendation, with annexes containing any needed details.  But there will be some leeway, up to the ALAC and the WTs’ writers, regarding the form of this reporting.

Cheryl added that the ALAC would likely appreciate a careful synopsis by each WT that could basically be dropped into its overall report on Improvements.  For some of this synopsis, the WTs could likely refer to their presentations prepared for Cartagena (and now to be delivered in the next ALAC meeting), with some updating added.

8.  Any other business -- Co-Chairs, 5 min

>>  AI:  Seth to add to next meeting’s agenda:

  • Writing of the WT B synopsis that the ALAC can use in its final report regarding the At-Large Improvements; and
  • Review of WT B’s Simplified Improvements Outline to ensure that the WT has completed its entire mandate (including task 1.4:  Extend ALAC Chair term to 2 years).


>>  AI:  Seth to prepare a proposed agenda for the WT A meeting in San Francisco and distribute it for review by the WT.

9.  Confirmation of next meeting:  Thu, 10 Feb, 2011 at 18:00 UTC – Co-Chairs, 5 min

This day/time of next meeting was confirmed.

The meeting was adjourned.