The Planning Team has sought feedback on the design of the Framework from all SOACs. It has requested that the SOAC groups, including the GNSO Contracted Parties House (CPH), Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG), and Noncommercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG), consider participating in the Prioritization Pilot through one representative and one alternate each. This group has now been established and will meet in the upcoming weeks.
For the GNSO community, the remit of the GNSO Council’s Standing Committee on Budget & Operations (SCBO) is currently limited, such that it does not have the authority to represent the full interests of the GNSO community. The Planning Team therefore engages directly with the GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency (SG/C) leaders for this project, facilitated by Policy staff via the GNSO-SG-C-leadership@icann.org mailing list.