Prior to ICANN75ccNSO Newcomer Webinar- Tuesday, 30 August 2022 (noon UTC)
Are you new to the ccNSO, or would like to learn more? Join ccNSO Council Vice Chair Biyi Oladipo (.ng) for a 1-hour ccTLD Webinar for newcomers. Biyi will help you to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at the ICANN75 Annual General Meeting, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the important work that affects you and your region. consult session recordings
ccNSO Council Election Webinar
The 3-year term for five members of the ccNSO Council will end in March 2023. Mid-September, the ccNSO will open a call for nominations to fill those seats. Are you considering running as a candidate for the ccNSO Council? Would you like to learn more about the ccNSO Council and the need to nominate candidates? We kindly invite you to participate in the ccNSO Council Election Webinar. ccNSO Council Chair Alejandra Reynoso, as well as other Councillors and ccNSO Secretariat will provide you with an overview of the election process and address the need to replace Councillors at reasonable and regular intervals. Moreover, you will receive further information about the required skill sets for Councillors, the time commitment and working methods of the ccNSO Council. The webinars will be recorded, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. The announcement about the call for nominations and other relevant news will be posted here. Image Modified consult session recordings