UTC | Presentation - Name |
2:30 | Opening Remarks: Lisse |
2:40 | Nurturing Young IXPs: Chinwal |
3:00 | KINDNS: AploganDNS Abuse and the IOT: Ho |
3:20 | Authoritative DNSSEC Bootstrapping: Thomassen |
3:40 | ICANN Technical Engagement: Wijayatunga |
04:00 LUNCH |
05:15 | Meeting Tech: Bartles |
05:45 | New RZM: Creamer |
06:15 | Query Name Privacy: Baker |
06:30 Break |
07:00 | Registry Best Practices: Bedser |
07:20 | Defining DNS Abuse: Lowe |
07:40DNS Abuse | and the IoT: HoKINDNS: Aplogan |
08:00 Break |
08:30 | Source Address Validation: Korczynski |
08:50 | UA for Registries: Bauland & Blanchet |
09:20 | Closing Remarks: TBD |