Global English (sometimes referred to as Plain English) is the practice of writing content or authoring for a global audience. Global English is a form of English that is customized and simplified for an international audience. Global English is not Plain English but if you understand Plain English then you are halfway to understanding global English techniques. English is a language full of subtleties, oddities, and even difficulties. Global English simplifies the particular elements that may cause problems for international readers. Global English emphasis is on simplicity and consistency, and this is easy to achieve.
Global English should not sound weird or unnatural to a native English speaker. If a sentence sounds unnatural, it’s not global English.
The basic rules for Global English are simple: write in as short a sentence as possible; use complete sentences; avoid long noun phrases; choose simple, nd precise words; use standard ICANN terminology and phrasing; don't use slang, idioms, colloquialisms, or figurative language and lastly be careful with the use of ED and -ING ending verbs. The Language Services team will provide additional support for ICANN authors to write in Global English style in the future.
Translation is the conversion of written text from a source language into a target language, sometimes a locale. A locale is a country- or region-specific variant of a language, for example, French as spoken in France or Spanish as spoken in Mexico.