- Unlicensed user to begin the vote on the Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation User Instructions and Source of Policy and Procedures as soon as possible.
- Unlicensed user to create a PD page for a Statement on the ICANN/SO-AC Leaders Collaborative Brainstorming Conference Call to the PD page.
- Unlicensed user to begin the RoP Adjunct Document 3 vote.
- Unlicensed user is to provide an explanation on membership requirements and any other dditional details as necesary for members of the BMSPC.
- Unlicensed user is to follow up with Fadi Chehadé on the question asked by ALAC members regarding why Registrant Rights and Responsibilities was changed to Registrant Rights and Benefits. Olivier Crépin-Leblond is to request a formal response to this letter.
- Unlicensed user to send out the Call for Comments for the various Buenos Aires workspaces.
- Unlicensed user to work on a statement to be drafted saying that the Board should have asked for a CCWG to look at the issue of Policy and Implementation rather than having only a GNSO WG look at the issue. Statement is to be discussed (and voted on if possible) during the 29 October teleconference. Closing date is: prior to BA.
- Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user are to finalize the Board Director Workspace on 9-October-2013.
- Unlicensed user to work on a statement to be drafted in response to the PC on Policy and Implementation - not necessarily that responds the questions being asked in the PC. Statement is to be discussed (and voted on if possible) during the 29 October teleconference. Closing date is: prior to BA.
- Unlicensed user is to draft an email to Fadi regarding the PIC enforcement, in addition to the DRP.
- Unlicensed user is to locate the wording on "crowd sourcing" noted by Fadi Chede during the ALAC-Board meeing in Durban and send this information to Unlicensed user.
- Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user are to finalize the Board Director Workspace on 9-October-2013.