i. ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project Draft Integrated Issues Report - Adopted
ii. Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs - Adopted
iii. Framework for the FY 13 Budget - ALAC vote ends 29 February. The statement was submitted to the PC Forum.Adopted
b. Statements currently being reviewed by the ALAC
c. Current open policy forums:
Does During the ALAC wish to develop statements for the following Public Commentsmeeting of 28 February, the following decisions were taken on the currently open public comments:
i. Further Bylaw Changes Following Adoption of Revised Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Policy Development Process (PDP) - Deadline: 2 March 2012
v. Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - Deadline: 3 April 2012 - Topic to be discussed in Costa Rica
4. San Jose, Costa Rica - Agenda Development (20 min) - Olivier