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Gisella Gruber-White: Welcome to the ALAC ExCom on Tuesday 14 February 2012
Gisella Gruber-White: Agenda:
Carlton Samuels: Hiya
Carlton Samuels: I'm just in the house.  Could you please have them ring me on 876-622-3232
Tijani BEN JEMAA: Hi everybody
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: dialing in
Heidi Ullrich: Dialing out to you, Carlton. 
Heidi Ullrich: I hear you are already on the call, Carlton ;)
Alan Greenberg: Happy Valentines Day to all.
Heidi Ullrich: Happy Valentine's Day !!
Alan Greenberg: Although a bit late for Cheryl...
Alan Greenberg: Dialing in now.
Heidi Ullrich: Action Items from 24 January ALAC call:
Heidi Ullrich: ExCom Action Items;
Heidi Ullrich: Olivier, we can't hear you. 
Heidi Ullrich: did you drop? 
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I can still hear you!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: butI can't speak
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: ouch!!!!!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: ok; I'll dial in again
Heidi Ullrich: LOL
Evan Leibovitch: A driving course?
Heidi Ullrich: Olivier, would you like Gisella to prepare a document showing ALAC members' current membership in WGs by the newxt ALAC meeting? 
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: yes please
Heidi Ullrich: ok, Matt, please could you make that an AI? 
Heidi Ullrich: for GG? 
Matt Ashtiani: will do
Carlton Samuels: ICANN Academy might be utilized for CLO's idea
Heidi Ullrich: thanks, Matt. 
Evan Leibovitch: @Carlton +1
Matt Ashtiani: :-)
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: +1 on examples of good chairing for learning by example!
Evan Leibovitch: Meeting chair best practises? Certainly something like this should exist in the wild.
Evan Leibovitch: This is not a talent requirement limited to ICANN
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: Yes, they do.  It is beyond Robert's!
Heidi Ullrich: Olivier, would you like that to be an AI post CR? Videos of Chairing best practices to be created. 
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: yes, separate pls.
Evan Leibovitch: In general, some kind of resources on "how to herd cats"
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: Such a pithy expalantion, LOL, yes!  
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: how to kill cats
Evan Leibovitch: @OCL: that's plan B
Carlton Samuels: @OCL: That too!
Carlton Samuels: :D
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: for the record I love cats
Carlton Samuels: @OCL: Aaaah, now comes the PC!
Heidi Ullrich: Update: 2. Discussion with the ASO, including Louis Lee, Chair of the ASO (13:00-13:30)  (Moderator:  Olivier Crépin-Leblond) (TBC)  - During ALAC Policy Diascussion Part 2
Heidi Ullrich: That is on Tuesday
Evan Leibovitch: FWIW... The FC-WG will be putting forward a PoV that SoIs are not sufficient for the ICANN context and should be strengthened. This will be advanced at the FCWG meeting in San Jose and presented, if requested to the general ALAC meeting
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Would be good to have better role up in the  *presumably excellent*  ccNSO  session
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: +++  to what  Evan is   saying  re the  'parts of GNSO"  attitudes    btw
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and  also relevant  here is  ICANNs  role  in the  Overal Internet Ecosystem  *a  strat plan pillar  last time I checked
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: +++ on his comments!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:  On that last  point   lets  askk Ron ( the ccNSO Liaison to ALAC)  and I to also engage  ccNSO  with the plans  fpor Prague  on thes/these matters
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: an engagement with Lesley  from OCL on thos as well is worthy as well IMO
Evan Leibovitch: If we wish to internationalise this we can concentrate on ACTA, an international treaty, as opposed to SOPA/PIPA which is a pure American legislative issue
Evan Leibovitch: Remember, we are always able to give advice to the Board regardless of what GNSO wants to do.
Evan Leibovitch: Would there be interest in us doing this?
Heidi Ullrich: 1. Views on CWGs2. Views on the new gTLDs Program and Objection Procedure 
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: Yes, you are right on the spread of the heresy on ICANN 'funding'!
Carlton Samuels: +1
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: Re advice to the Board on SOPA/PIPA, +1
Carlton Samuels: Would we support CLO's suggestion on defering to Prague or later? 
Carlton Samuels: It allows more time for f2f discussion and then to craft something
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: +1 Alan. 
Carlton Samuels: @Alan: +1 to the idea of prelim discussion in SJO
Evan Leibovitch: It would be worthwhile to find within ALAC -- those in San Jose -- expertise on the issue.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:   +++_ to Alan on this
Heidi Ullrich: OCL: We should discuss this briefly in CR, with the intent of establishign a WG to draft a Statement before Prague.  - Olivier, is this an AI? 
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: yes please
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: also OCL to suggest SOPA as a discussion item with SO/AC Chairs meeting with Rod Beckstrom
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes Alan  that point  was made durring the ALAC  call  and  that is exactly why RALOs need to know  what ALAC  discusses when, why etc.,  throughout  all the PC loops  on this  
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and YES   earlier  invovlen=ment is tha aim  thus my suggestion tha  Sylvia might need to work on this  specifically
Carlton Samuels: I'm going offline a few mins.  Dealing with an emergency situaiton with my water supply!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: frozen pipes?
Evan Leibovitch: @OCL: this is probably an aftermath of the re-delegation of .pr which led to some tense moments in Dakar
Evan Leibovitch: Provision for more public input into the process
Evan Leibovitch: of re-delegation
Evan Leibovitch: The issue is not IMO 'early intervention". The issue is "early participation", being involved in development rather than just reaction. This is a core issue being adressed by the FC-WG 
Evan Leibovitch: How can the community (ie, the ALS level) have any feeling of inclusion when the comment deadlines practically preclude their involvement?
Evan Leibovitch: The Working Teams worked on "ALAC Improvements". The FCWG is addressing necessary "ICANN improvements" ;-)
Carlton Samuels: Back.  
Heidi Ullrich: Upcoming PCs:
Heidi Ullrich: sometimes not fully updated...
Heidi Ullrich: Sunday page:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No Evan  this  work is part of the FoI-WG activities started almost 12m ago which in itself  came from another ccNSO / GAC  whichwas running while .PR was gpoing on so that influenced at that point  no doubt  NOT recently  however  in fact the ccNSO /ICANN staff input into the NARALO agenda ite on this matter in Dakar was precicly to let that group know of the worj=k of the FoI-WG  that was already addressing this specific issue...  I beleive that the NEW deffinitions  do address  and rectofy the loopholes  etc.,  that were of concern in several previous  delegations / redeligations   and indeed a whole LOT more on the matter of redelegations of ccTLDs...  thus the  extreme  importance of what the FoI-WG  is doing and why  our actiove representation in it is essential dispite the huge work load
Heidi Ullrich: Monday:
Heidi Ullrich: Wolfgang's suggestion: An important objective (as a side effect is to create a construtive and friendly environment for future enhanced communication, coordination and collaboration. 
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ALAC     MUST  eet with NCSG  not the sub sectors thereof
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: +1. Let's insist on meeting the high-level group, not the subgroups.
Heidi Ullrich: suggested agenda items for ALAC/NCSG: 
Heidi Ullrich: Institutional/process Issues:  Outreach, CCWG, AcademySubstantive Issues:a. LEA/registrar/RAA,b. Reserved names for IOsc. UDRPd. Applicant supporte. AoC RTs/WHOISf. gTLD stock takingg. IRTP 
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yup  or NOT meet at all  =>  just work through Evvan
Carlton Samuels: Second, I don't think it is the ALAC's duty to monitor the NCSG!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: you're right
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yup  Evan is a Liaison to them  for that
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: +1. List the ones we have common ground and then only try a few of those for a common strategy!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: +1@Evan
Matt Ashtiani:
Heidi Ullrich: 1. Greater co-ordination on establishing and entrenching end-user rights within ICANN2. Ongoing strategy regarding applicant support3. Harmonizing standards between gTLDs and ccTLDs 
Heidi Ullrich: ALAC Meeting with GAC
Heidi Ullrich: GAC would like to discuss COI/
Carlton Samuels: @Alan: me neither!
Carlton Samuels: Why not schedule them for part of our Sunday?
Carlton Samuels: You said it!!
Carlton Samuels: When will the Objection Process be presented?
Carlton Samuels: Why not have a motion prepared for a vote right after that?
Heidi Ullrich: Matt, see your skype
Heidi Ullrich: Urgent issue...
Carlton Samuels: Lost my link
Heidi Ullrich: Carlton, are you back? 
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks  All
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Thank you everyone!