Standing Agenda Items
1.Welcome and Introduction - Alan Greenberg (3 mintues)
2. Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 minutes)
Items for Discussion
3. ALAC Policy Development Activities - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
- Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Initial Report - Adopted, 13Y, 0N, 0A
- Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- Potential Change to Registrar Accreditation Insurance Requirement - ALAC commenting on a Statement
- IDN TLDs - LGR Procedure Implementation - Maximal Starting Repertoire Version 2 - 1st Draft completed; ALAC about to comment on the Statement
- GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group Publishes Initial Recommendations Report - 1st Draft completed; ALAC about to comment on the Statement
- GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group Publishes Initial Recommendations Report - ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- Statements that seem to be stalled:
- None
- Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
- WHOIS Accuracy Pilot Study Report - Comment period closes on 13 March 2015
- New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
- None
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
4. Update on CWG & CCWG - Alan Greenberg, Leon Sanchez (15 minutes)
5. Next Steps for WGs - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)
a. Outreach and Engagement - Chairs, Call for Membership
c. New gTLD WG - Chair
d. CROPP re-configuation6
6. Establishment of At-Large New Meeting Strategy Working Party - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)
7. Review of ICANN 53 At-Large Meeting Schedule - Leon Sanchez, Gisella Gruber (15 minutes)
8. April ALAC Meeting - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)
a. Re-scheduled Date/Time
b. Items for agenda