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Apologies: Adam Peake



Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 16 November 2010

Action Items: Action Items 16 November 2010

Recording: English

Interpretation: none

Adobe Connect Chatroom:




Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call and apologies

2. Review




4. Review of Draft Summary Minutes and Action Items from the Teleconference on 17 August (5 minutes)


the summary minutes and action items from the previous call (2 minutes)

3. Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)

a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule

Proposed Agenda Items:

6. Review mechanism for ALS involvement in the upcoming At-Large Board Director selection (Wolf)(10 mins)

Discussion on whether the votes of the EURALO representative(s) in the At-Large Board Director election should be "guided". If so, what representation model should be employed (e.g. will there be an ALS vote on the Board candidates whose result will bind the EURALO representative(s))?

7. Discuss possible Bylaw Modifications (Wolf, Olivier, Sebastien)(20 mins)

7.1. Discuss changes to include individual members

See:Options to include individual members in EURALO Structure (wiki page)

7.2 Discuss changes on the term limits

  • Term limits of EURALO Board members
  • Term limits of EURALO Officers
See:Options to Change EURALO Term Limits (wiki page)

7.3 Discuss changes to the election timeline

See:Suggested bylaw changes to align the elections of the EURALO Board with that of the ALAC representative (wiki page)

7.4 Review of additional areas for possible Bylaw modifications (Sebastien)

See:Sebastien's comments on the EURALO Bylaws\ (.doc)

8. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process (Wolf, Christopher, Veronica)(10 mins)

a. Activities of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)c. Next Steps
Reference documents:
Public Comment Announcement
BCEC Workspace

9. EURALO Position on Community WG Report on Implementation of GNSO New gTLD Rec 6 ()(10 mins)

The ALAC has endorsed the WG Report on Recommendation 6 on 24 September and encouraged the RALOs to submit regional Statements on the document.

Reference Documents:

Draft At-Large comment on Recommendation 6

Public Consultation Announcement


b. Public Consultations for which ALAC will be preparing statements: (volunteers are welcome)

Proposed Agenda Items:

6. Review RALO Petition Process for At-Large Board Candidates (Wolf)(10 mins)

Next Steps of Board Director Selection Process:

  • 28 October - 15 November: Campaigning period for candidates;
  • 13 November, 1300 UTC: Community call with the final slate of candidates;
  • 15 - 22 November (RALOs can extend this until 25 November if desired): RALO discussions on candidates
  • 22 - 25 November: First round of online voting on final slate of candidates;
  • 26 -- 28 November: Second round of online voting on final slate of candidates (only if necessary)
  • 10 December: Successful candidate takes seat on ICANN Board.

7. Discuss At-Large Board Candidates (Wolf )(10 mins)

8. Review ICANN's Strategic Development Planning Process (Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President Stakeholder Relations, ICANN, Akram Atallah, Chief Operating Officer, ICANN, David Olive, Vice President Policy Development, ICANN)(20 mins)

9. EURALO Position on ATRT Draft Proposed Recommendations (Sebastien)(5 minutes)

Reference Material:

Draft Proposed ATRT Recommendations

Public Comment announcement from 3 November

10. EURALO/At-Large Activities in Cartagena (Wolf)(5 minutes)

(see At-Large Cartagena Meeting Schedule)

11. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Sebastien, Patrick, Adam


) (5 mins)

12. Any other Business (5 mins)