Little if no input from EURALO ALSes. Still seeking ways to engage the ALSes to provide updates from their events/region/ALS.
ALS Decertification: PROCESS TO FOLLOW: Process guidelines: At-Large Structure Decertification Workspace
Olivier suggesting Sébastien for the RIPE and EuroDIG Meeting to reengage re-engage EURALO.
Natalia and Sébastien to RIPE (either 2 free slots or use discretionary funding) and Sébastien to EuroDIG - providing requests are submitted by deadlines.
Suggested day on Monday 18th September, on the actual 25th Anniversary. Suggested format - each RALO to find one person per region who was at the beginning of ICANN (suggestions in presentation).
- Sébastien asking sebastien.bachollet seeking feedback from EURALO leaders to provide feedback on Word document by Wednesday 5 April to then send to EURALO Board for their input.