Transcript: EN
AC Chat: EN
1 Roll Call, Introduction, Adoption of Agenda (5 minutes)
2. Action Items: 2018-
20 EURALO Monthly Teleconference
(Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 5 minutes)
(for reference: Action Items: 2018.01.18 EURALO Board Teleconference )
3. In Memoriam - Stéphane van Gelder (1 minute)
4. Policy / Public consultations (15 minutes)
Reference: 2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
- New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) – Initial Report
- Nominating Committee (NomCom) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations
- Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations
- New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Initial Report
5. EURALO Webinars (Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 5 minutes)
- 2018-02-19 EURALO Webinar on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- 2nd Workshop on GDPR - our ALSes speak
- Framework of Interpretation and Develop a checklist for human rights impact assessment
- other suggestions?
5. CCWG Accountability Workstream 2 Update (Sébastien Bachollet - 10 minutes)
- WS2 Dashboard
- Dashboard Update (Powerpoint PDF) - 6 February 2018
- Jurisdiction
- Diversity
- Staff Accountability
- Ombuds Office
- etc.
6. Summary of ICANN61 Activities (Olivier Crépin-Leblond, all - 15 minutes)
- Cross Community Working Group on Accountability (CCWG Accountability)
- Subsequent Procedures Work Track 5: Geographic Names at the Top-Level
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) discussions
- Root Key KSK Roll-Over
- ICANN Budgets - and the reduction of organisational reviews
- Other
7. CROP Travel (Olivier Crépin-Leblond -
10 minutes)
- CROPEURALO Outreach Strategic Plan
- EURALO Approved Forms
- At-Large Community Regional Outreach Program Review Team (CROP RT)
- CROP Procedures & Guidelines
- Additional Budget Requests - At Large - FY19 Additional Budget Requests
- At-Large Workspace: ICANN Draft FY19 Operating Plan and Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update
8. AoB (Olivier and all - 2 minutes)