Sub-group Members:
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Word doc
Adobe Connect replay:Replay
mp3 Replay:
- Admin/Attendance/SOI;
- Status of sign-up sheet
- Status/Update of ICANN Legal/Policy teams with respect to SO/AC education re: IRP roles and charting out process timeframe;
- CEP process and status update – introduction of Anna Loup;
- Joinder issues (David McAuley, lead – see latest email/summary/proposal (forwarded below));
- Second Reading - retroactivity issues (David McAuley, lead – see related email);
- Further discussion – “Ongoing monitoring” comment (Avri Doria, lead) – this will also address a continuing discussion of the process after we conclude this phase.;
- Discussion/First Reading – Challenges to consensus policy (David McAuley, lead – see related email – we have discussed but not confirmed first reading);
- AOB.
Raw Caption Notes*
*Note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call
- Word Doc
Documents Presented
- IOT-PC1-AnalysisSignupSheet_Sheet1
- Process Roadmap re Establishment of IRP-v3
- David’s Email to IRP
- Joinder email_DM_12 June
- David M email from 9 May
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (7/27/2017 13:41) Good day and welcome to IRP-IOT Meeting # 27 on 27 July 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!
Brenda Brewer: (13:41) If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6). This call is recorded.
Brenda Brewer: (13:41) Reminder to all, please speak slowly and state your name before speaking for the Captioner. Thank you!
Jamie-CART Support: (13:45) Hi, can you make me a host?
Brenda Brewer: (13:55) Jamie, what are you typing? the meeting has not started
Marie Fresch: (13:57) It was for me too. I don't know what happened, but we're good now
Anna Loup: (13:57) Hello all!
Brenda Brewer: (13:58) Hi Anna!
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:58) Hello and welcome Anna
Marie Fresch: (13:58) Who will be our main speaker today?
David McAuley: (13:58) dialing in as 4154
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:58) David
Marie Fresch: (13:58) Thank you
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:59) I will be the main listener
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:59) ;-)
David McAuley: (13:59) Hi folks - I will speak up at top of hour - probably hold off till 3 after
Anna Loup: (13:59) Works for me!
avri doria: (14:00) i apologize for divided attention, am attending two call.s will mostly follow the captioning.
avri doria: (14:00) so i may only could as 1/2 in th 5x5 count
avri doria: (14:01) ... only cunt ...
avri doria: (14:01) count - geeze
David McAuley: (14:01) Hello sam and Liz
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:01) Avri geez - even half of you is a lot
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:01) in a good way
David McAuley: (14:01) Hi Robin, I will start shortly
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:01) so we have our five
avri doria: (14:01) hmm
David McAuley: (14:02) a couple of moments for others to gather
Greg Shatan: (14:05) Glad to see we have our 5x5.
Brenda Brewer: (14:05) everyone may scroll document
Greg Shatan: (14:05) Interesting chat so far....
Samantha Eisner: (14:17) Volunteer for which part, David?
David McAuley: (14:20) to help educate SOs/ACs
David McAuley: (14:20) or help them organize themselves
Samantha Eisner: (14:24) It might not be recording
Samantha Eisner: (14:24) but some method of providing a record of the interviews
Greg Shatan: (14:30) "RT members"
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:36) Time Check - 24 minutes left in call
David McAuley: (14:36) 90 min call Bernie, no?
David McAuley: (14:36) up to 90
Robin Gross: (14:37) I've got another call at the top of the hour, so will have to drop off then.
David McAuley: (14:37) great, thanks Sam
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:37) Oops sorry David - old habits
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:38) Time check - 52 minutes left in call
Robin Gross: (14:41) Welcome, Anna. Thanks for your work on this!
Anna Loup: (14:42) Thanks Robin! Happy to help
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:42) Not too quick for the captionner
Greg Shatan: (14:44) Welcome Anna!
Greg Shatan: (14:45) Diet of Worms?
David McAuley: (14:45) ops was reading fast
David McAuley: (14:45) oops
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (15:01) time check - 29 minutes left in call
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (15:12) Time Check - 18 minutes left in call
avri doria: (15:13) after jun 18 we would need to hold bake sales to fund accountabilty work.
avri doria: (15:14) i will probably miss it.
Anna Loup: (15:16) Thank you David! If anyone has any questions for me I am happy to help
avri doria: (15:16) bye
Anna Loup: (15:16) take care all!