Monthly ccNSO Work Plan (August 2016).pdf
High level description of ccNSO Work Plan 2016-2018
Administration of ccNSO Council and ccNSO (Katrina Sataki) | ||||||
Activity | Description | Launch date | Target date | Owner | Priority | Actions/Status/dependencies |
ccNSO Members application | Oversee and execute members application process | Ongoing |
| Abibu / Secretariat |
| Oversee and execute members application process. |
ccNSO Council Meetings | Monthly (regular) ccNOS Council meetings | Ongoing ( monthly) |
| Chair of the ccNSO Council |
| Scheduling, Agenda setting preparatory meetings. Oversight secretariat
Include reference to ccNSO Council meetings once adopted |
Oversight and appointment ccNSO WG | Oversee progress and progress WG and CCWG in which ccNSO is participating. | Ongoing |
| ccNSO Guideline WGs and possibly
Include link Guideline when adopted |
Annual Work Plan 16-18 | Describe annual work plan, based on discussion at annual planning workshop | March 2016 | March 2018 | Chair ccNSO / secretariat |
| Describe annual work plan, based on annual discussion
Include Guideline when adopted |
Prep Annual Work Plan 17-19 | Describe annual work plan, based on discussion at annual planning workshop | January 2017 | March 2017 | Chair ccNSO / secretariat |
Monthly Work plan | Provide overview and update at detailed level of recently completed and upcoming activities/events | April 2016 | Ongoing | Chair ccNSO / Secretariat |
Triage/ prioritization | Assess importance and urgency for ccTLD to respond/participate in activities. | Ongoing |
| Triage Committee |
| |
Council Roles and Responsibilities | Assign(ed) roles and responsibilities to Councillors | March 2016 | March 2017 | Chair ccNSO |
| Include Guideline when adopted |
Chair, vice-chair selection | Annual ccNSO chair and vice –chair selection by ccNSo Council | January 2017 | March 2017 | Chair ccNSO |
| Launch process for annual chair and vice-chairs election. Announce at January Council meeting |
CSC members and liaisons appointment | Appointment by ccNSO of ccTLD members and approval of full slate of members and liaisons Customer Standing Committee | June 2016 | 15 August 2016 | Appointed Selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be developed by GRC and approved by Council at meeting in Helsinki, after consultation community.
Interaction with RySG and GNSO |
RZERC member appointment | Appointment by ccNSO of ccTLD members on RZERC | June 2016 | 15 August 2016 | Appointed Selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be developed by GRC and approved by Council at meeting in Helsinki, after consultation community |
Appointment ccNSO member on NomCom | ccNSO needs to appoint member on NomCom 2017, by September 2016. | May 2016 | July 2016 | Appointed selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure |
ccNSO Council Election 2017 | Annual Council Elections | August 2016 | January 2017 (in case of run-off elections) | Council election manager |
| Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure. Elected Councillors will take seat in March 2017 |
Board Seat 11 (S)Election | ccNSO Selection for Board 11 | October 2016? | March 2017 (Run-off needs to concluded in March 2017 (6 months before October 2017) | Board Seat Selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure. Selected Board member will take seat in March 2017 |
ccNSO Review | ICANN Bylaw required review ccNSO | (Not earlier then January 2017) |
Table 6
Projects and Activities to manage and administer Outreach and Engagement efforts focused on broader ccTLD community
Proposed Cluster Owner: Katrina Sataki
Interaction and Engagement (Katrina Sataki) | ||||||
Activity | Description | Launch date | Target date | Owner | Priority | Actions/Status/dependencies |
ccNSO Meetings Helsinki (ICANN 56) | Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting Helsinki ( 27-30 June 2016 | March 2016 | July 2016 | Programme WG |
| Includes Agenda, Scheduling, Survey and review.
Include reference to Guideline and charter Program WG when adopted |
Tech Day ICANN 56 | Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 56 | March 2016 | June 2016 | Tech WG |
ccNSO Travel funding Helsinki |
| March 2016 | June 2016 | ccNSO Travel Funding Committee |
| |
ccNSO Meeting ICANN 57 | Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting ICANN 57(28 Oct – 3 Nov 2016) | August 2016 | November 2016 | Programme WG |
Include reference Guideline and charter Program WG when adopted |
Tech Day ICANN 57 | Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 57 | August | November 2016 | Tech WG |
ccNSO Travel funding ICANN 57 |
| August 2016 | November 2016 | ccNSO Travel Funding Committee |
| |
ccNSO Meeting ICANN 58 | Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting ICANN 58 (11-16 March 2017) | December 2016 | March 2017 | Programme WG |
(Include Guideline, when adopted) |
Tech Day ICANN 58 | Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 58 | January 2017 | March 2017 | Tech WG |
ccNSO Travel Funding ICANN 58 |
| November 2016 | March 2017 | ccNSO Travel Funding Committee |
| |
SO/AC chairs meeting | Formal meeting with chairs other SA/ACs | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? |
| Part of ICANN meeting |
Meeting with gNSO Council, GAC and ALC | Formal meeting with other SO and ACs | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? |
| No structure in place ( ad-hoc agenda setting committees. Formalise to ensure broad support? |
TLD-OPS mailing list | All aspects relating to incident response mailing list
| Ongoing |
| TLD-OPS Standing Committee |
| Re-appointment of Steering committee March 2017.
Extension of list to information sharing and inclusion other TLDs |
Review and Revamp ccNSO Website | ccNSO web-site will be redesigned | October 2016 | June 2017 | ?/Secretariat |
| Create user group to under auspices secretariat. Define user requirements and provide feed-back to ICANN communication |
Social Media | User of twitter, Facebook and other channels | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? / Secretariat |
| Create support group which together with secretariat will maintain and use social media for and from community |
Update Regional Org meetings | Provide basic updates to ccTLD at Regional Organisations meetings | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? / Secretariat |
| Provide basis slide set to Councillors who will inform ccTLD at Regional Organisations. Set up pool of Councillors, and basic template |