Close Date | Statement Name | Status | Assignee(s) and | Call for Comments | Call for Comments Close | Vote Announcement | Vote Open | Vote Reminder | Vote Close | Date of Submission | Staff Contact and Email | Statement Number | |
n/a | In progress - Evan Leibovitch (NARALO) and Jean-Jacques Subrenat (EURALO) to confirm when the Statement is finalized | Rinalia Abdul Rahim Adopted 15Y, 0N, 0A |
| 29.05.2012 | 14.06.2012 | 20.09.2012 | 20.09.2012 | 26.09.2012 | 27.09.2012 | 28.09.2012 | n/a | TBCn/a |
Further to today's discussions on the ALAC ExCom call held on 23-May-2012 and in accordance with the preliminary discussions held the ALAC call held on 22-May-2012, the time-line which we have agreed to for proceeding forward with this, based on the principle of opening the discussion first to the At-Large community and then to the wider community through an ICANN-wide public comment, and taking into account At-Large Staff bandwidth being stretched to its maximum at the moment, is as follows: