- ICANN FY 2008/2009 Budget and Operational Planning (carried over from the last meeting)
- Draft Statement to the ICANN Board on Operational Plan Framework: AL.ALAC-BUD.SC-0308-1-2.Rev2 (EN)
- For Reference: Ideas for FY 2008/2009 Community Priorities with a Budget Impact AL.ALAC-BUD.SC-0308-1-3 (From the March ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee Meeting)
- Resolution AL.ALAC-CC.0408-1-1 Statement of the ALAC on Budgeting and Operational Planning for FY 2008/2009
- ICANN Travel Policy for Volunteers Consultation
- Draft Board Statement: AL.ALAC-BUD.SC-0308-1-1.Rev2 (EN)
- Resolution AL.ALAC-CC.0408-1-2 Statement of the ALAC on a Travel Policy for Volunteers
- Election of a Vice-Chair of the Committee
- Proposed Modifications to the Rules of Procedure of the ALAC related to interim officer and other elections AL/2007/1/1.Rev10 (EN)
- Planning for ICANN ICANN 32 - Paris Meeting - June 2008 and proposed Meeting(s) with other constituencies there:- Including drafting of Agenda Items for discussion
- For Reference: ALAC Resolution from March Meeting on this subject: AL.ALAC-CC.0308-1-4 Proposal of the Chair on Planning for Paris
- ALAC Statement on GNSO Improvements
- Finalised text of the Statement by the Ad-Hoc Working Group: AL.ALAC/GNIM.WG/01/01.Rev5
- For Reference: AL.ALAC/GNIM.WG/01/01.Rev5 PDF showing markups from the version released for community review.
- For Reference: Summary of At-Large Working Group and Organisational Development (linked to the main statement): AL.ALAC-OD.WG-0308-2
- For reference: resolution of 11th March related to this item: AL.ALAC-CC.0308-1-2 Proposal of the Chair on GNSO Improvements
- Statement on New gTLDs AL.ALAC-CC.0408-1-4 Process of Completing Work on a Statement on New gTLDs