Transcript: EN, FR, ES
Adobe Connect Chat: EN
Welcome and Introduction to the Webinar on the ITU Plenipotenentiary Conference - Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair (5 minutes)
ICANN Staff Overview (30 minutes)
Tarek Kamel, Sr. Advisor to the President - Gov. Engagement
- Introduction
Nigel Hickson, VP, IGO and IO Engagement
- What is PP? What does it do and what came out of Busan
Veni Markovski, VP- UN Engagement – New York
- ITU Resolutions touching Internet Governance
Anne-Rachel Inne, VP, Government Engagement - Geneva
PP Regional group meetings
Working with regulators and ministries at national level on IG
Question and Answer Session - Part I - Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)
View from the End-User Perspective (20 minutes)
- Yrjö Länsipuro – 2015 NomCom ALAC Representative; Europe Region
- Grigori Saghyan, Vice President at ISOC Armenia, Associate Professor at the Russian Armenian University: "Internet related Resolutions – what’s new"
Question and Answer Session - Part II - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)