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AC Chat Transcript:  At-Large Metrics Working Group 2014.11.13


Dial Outs:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Apologies:  Fatimata Seye Sylla, 


Call management: 




0. All WG Members requested to review  previous meeting on March 11th. -  Held in LA during ICANN 51;  13th October, 15:00 - 16:00 - At-Large Metrics Working Group 


    • Records of previous meeting can be found here.  


1. Welcome & Attendance (3 2 min - CLO/Staff)


2. Review of the last meeting outcomes and  Action items of the meeting  5 - 10min meeting  (3 min - WG/Staff)

Last meeting - Action Items At-Large Metrics Working Group Meeting 2014.03.11 

  •  All WG members to review Maureen's PPT and prepare comments for live discussion in Singapore.


  •   Unlicensed user to work on the report and send it to Maureen and the WG.


  •  Unlicensed user  to obtain attendance records of ALAC meeting  face to face meetings.



10.13 (from main LA Meeting ALAC Action Items page)

At-Large Metrics Working Group

  •   Gisella Gruber to coordinate monthly teleconference calls for the Metrics WG .
  •  The WG will analyze recommendation 43 and how it can be relayed effectively to the group.
  •  Silvia Vivanco to follow up that at least 3 RALOs have some measure of attendance.
  •  A poll will be conducted via AC connect/ survey to harmonize RALO attendance percentages, at the ALAC/RALO/ At large structure.
  •  With the goal to have  a draft proposal by the November (25th) ALAC meeting.



3. Discussion and Review of outreach, discussion and feedback from Regions.  Including looking at opportunity to work towards harmonisation of Metrics and main Performance Criteria across Regions for Leadership and Assessment.  @Maureen Hilliard  (40 - 60 minutes) 

Final comments on the draft below are requested before the next meeting of the Metrics Sub-committee on Wednesday 24 September at 14.00UTC

See: At-Large Metrics Sub-Committee Drafting Workspace - outlining the work and agreements of the London meeting.

Note - reference during call: Volunteer Value:

4. Main Cross RALO items:

Recommendation 43 from ATLAS II  {with specific reference to outcomes of LA Meeting and planned polling}  (10 minutes) 

Recommendation 43:

    43RALOs  should  encourage  their  inactive  ALS  representatives  to  comply  with  ALAC  minimum participation requirements.ALAC; RALOs


4. Preparation/Discussion of DRAFT Proposal to the ALAC based on a harmonization of Main Cross RALO {inclusive of Leadership and ALSes}  performance expectations/items/issues: (45 - 55 mins)

a. Key Points:

  • Role Specific and Leadership expectations
      • Specific to RALO ROP's
      • Specific to Other Guidelines/ROPs
      • General

  • Attendance at Meetings, and Activities

*Percentages of Meetings to be attended

        • 50% to 75%
        • 75% to 85%
        • 85% +

*Classification(s) of ALAC/RALO/ALS Meetings and Activities

*Quorum Issues

*Parity in roles

*Apology and Leave of Absences

*Exception Rules and Requests





  • Contributions to Policy and ICANN Specific Activity {including Outreach etc.,}




  • Contributions to RALO Specific Activities and Requirements





  • Consequences of below 'Par' performance
  • Remedial Action
  • Restrictions
    • Voting Rights
    • Representational Rights
    • Travel Support
    • Other
  • Appeals Mechanisms
  • Reparation


b.  Staged Implementation (discuss benefits and limitations of such)


c.  Sub Committees

    • Drafting
    • Administrative
      • ALAC/Cross Regional
      • Review/Audit
      • Appeals
      • Other


5. Next Steps Preparing for December 2014 meeting ( 5 mins)

Planning (discussion and suggestions) Agenda;  Review of Intersession Activities etc.,

6. AOB and review of AI's (5 min - CLO/Staff)

7. References:

See: LA Meeting Transcripts recordings and  FLIP CHART <please insert vision or copy of Chart here>

LACRALO, AFRALO are discussing metrics




See: APRALO Rules of Procedure 2014

See: Post-ATLAS II Activities Workspace


Recommendation 43:

    43RALOs  should  encourage  their  inactive  ALS  representatives  to  comply  with  ALAC  minimum participation requirements.ALAC; RALOs

5. Preparing for ICANN51 meeting ( 5-10 mins)

Monday, 13 October 2014 -  15:00 - 16:00 - At-Large Metrics Working Group

 See: Los Angeles  Meeting Agendas Workspace   - Agenda needs to be drafted

6. AOB and review of AI's (5 min - CLO/Staff)

7. References:


    ALAC (new) Rules of Procedure 2013
