This space is created to participants of Mentoring Program as Mentees can publish their own reports on their attendance.
Report by Glenn McKnight, Mentor
I had the good fortune to be one of the mentors for three brilliant and active ALS members from NARALO. My mentees were Judith Hellerstein, Konstantin Kalaitzidis and Scott Sullivan
We contacted each other weeks before London in joint Skype calls to discuss their individual issues and concerns, plan for specific meetings and address any travel issues. I highly recommend that mentors and mentees make an effort to do the same and learn to get to know each other prior to the face to face. I was surprised to learn at our London meeting that a number of mentors didn't meet each other prior to the meeting. Perhaps we needed to faciliate a formal get together on the first day of Atlas on the Saturday so that shy mentees can do the speed dating thing.
My other observation about the mentorship program was the high level of diversity of the needs and wants of the individuals. As a mentor I think we need feedback/ranking on the accessibility/helpfullness/resourcefulness etc so we know who actually did their job or not