This is the second draft of the Mentoring Program ATLAS II. Your comments are appreciated.
Please note that the Mentoring Program WG should work in collaboration and coordination with the At-Large Capacity Building WG and with the outcomes of the ATLAS II Survey Group and ATLAS II Events Group.
Mentoring Program should be understood in a wide sense including and combining mentoring stricto sensu and capacity building activities.
New Draft Mentoring Program ATLAS II
- Development of final draft program and circulate to ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program WG by Monday, 5 May. Seek comments by Friday, 9 May.
- Write a model email to members of the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program WG by Friday, 9 May. This model email will be sent to the regional lists so that people can identify those community leaders who might be available to serve as Mentors, including the languages on what these Mentors are offering their collaboration. Note in the email that the 15 members of the ALAC will automatically be asked to serve as Mentors.
- Members of this working group should bring us back the names of these people who are committing to act as Mentors, topics and languages on which they wish to serve by Friday, 9 May.
- ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring WG members to create a Mentor a ATLAS II Mentors Guide with concrete activities that shall do Mentors by Friday, 16 May. This Guide should be included in the email that members of this WG will send to people who they are asking to act as Mentors.