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Mentoring Program should be understood in a wide sense including and combining mentoring stricto sensu and capacity building activities.


New Draft Mentoring Program ATLAS II


The Mentoring Program is divided into three two complementary steps:

1) Planning2) Activities before - Before the London meeting

32) Activities during the London meeting


Following are the details of each stage:


1) Planning- Before the London meeting

This stage consists of the following activities:

a) Determine the topics on which each ALS needs training. These themes emerged from the survey conducted jointly by the ATLAS II Survey WG and the Capacity Building WG.

Action items

  • Wolf and Tijani to work jointly to determine those topics.


b) Based on these topics, monthly Webinars to be carried out (from February to May) with the aim to start addressing some of these subjects. Four specific topics and the respective guest speakers shall be identified. This activity shall be conducted jointly by the Mentoring Program WG and the Capacity Building WG.

Action items

  • Tijani and Wolf to work jointly to organize the webinars, select the webinar topics and the speakers.


c    Elaboration of the Mentoring Program Draft to discuss with members of the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring WG

  1. aim of program
  2. schedule of program
  3. identifying the participants – Mentors and Mentees
  4. development of a Mentor Guide

b) To request feedback on Mentoring Program Draft to members of the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring WG;

c) To ask collaboration to members of the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring WG to identify people of each RALO who can serve as Mentors, on which topics and languages they can do mentoring. Keep in mind that each ALAC member is serving as Mentor.

d) Reach consensus on the Final ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program within the ATLAS II OC WG.

Action items

  • Development of final draft program and circulate to ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program WG by Monday, 5 May. Seek comments by Friday, 9 May.
  • Write a model email to members of the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program WG by Friday, 9 May. This model email will be sent to the regional lists so that people can identify those community leaders who might be available to serve as Mentors, including the languages on what these Mentors are offering their collaboration. Note in the email that the 15 members of the ALAC will automatically be asked to serve as Mentors.
  • Members of this working group should bring us back the names of these people who are committing to act as Mentors, topics and languages on which they wish to serve by Friday, 9 May.
  • ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring WG members to create a Mentor Guide with concrete activities that shall do Mentors by Friday, 16 May. This Guide should be included in the email that members of this WG will send to people who they are asking to act as Mentors.

d) Members of this WG should invite to their RALO members to participate in the Capacity Building Webinars ATLAS II ( )

e) To create a collaborative Wiki so that all ALS can elaborate representatives participating in the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program can collaborate during the program in London  elaborate on a repository of Acronyms for At-Large, and for  ICANN ICANN as a whole. This tool should be online by February 1st and be distributed to all RALOs. This will serve as input for the London meeting and will cover one of the points that emerged from the Capacity Building WG.This Wiki shall be updated constantly updated and be consulted for all ALS.

Action items


  • To create an Acronyms Helper Wiki which  can that can be edited by all ALS members.

            This Wiki was already created with Dev's collaboration. It was filled in by taking the list of acronyms of Beginner's Guide. See the following link:

  • Check if all attendees to the ATLAS II meeting have a username and password to access the Wiki. If they do not have them enabled, At-Large Staff will work with them to ensure they have their log-in credentials.
  • It should seek cooperation from the Chairs and Secretariat of each RALO Members of this Working Group to distribute it within their RALOs. We will send an email to each of them to serve as a model for distribution.


f) To create a Wiki for ALS members who will participate in the London meeting to express: i) who are able to volunteer as Mentors for the meeting itself ii) on which topics they are considered qualified to provide mentoring iii) who needs a Mentor to the meeting itself iv) who are participating physically for the first time an ICANN meeting v) who offered to act as moderators in the mentoring sessions at the London meeting vi) who offered to act as rapporteurs of these meetings

Action items


different Wikis that serve for the development of all the Mentoring Program. These Wikis should contain:

          This Wiki will remain active after the meeting for participants to interact and share experiences of their respective RALOs and what is happening on the issues of the ICANN scope in their RALOs.

           E.g. new gTLDs, what is happening in each region and how it relates to the work of their ALS.

Action items

  • To create the different Wikis with all the sections mentioned above. Feedback of members of this Working Group is being requested.
  • Distribute the information related to this Wiki among all RALOs. Request collaboration from RALO officers members of this Working Group to report back to us with the information shared on their mailing lists which has that have not been published in the Wiki.
  • Distribute the information related to these Wikis among the ATLAS II Participants mailing list.
  • Check if all attendees to the ATLAS II meeting have a username and password to access the Wiki. If they do not have them enabled, put them in touch with ICANN’s technical services to assist them. Request Staff’s collaboration for such activity.When the deadline for the ALS members publish the requested information and have created the different groups by topics, determining each mentor and mentored group, we should At-Large Staff will work with them to ensure they have their log-in credentials.
  • From Monday May 19 Chair of WG to send an email to each group for them of Mentors and Mentees to get in touch with the group and conduct the appropriate consultations. It is strongly suggested recommended that from this communication the mentors Mentors maintain contact and follow up with their own group.

Once the general agenda of the ICANN meeting is completed, each mentor shall publish the subjects they volunteered to mentor in the Wiki, what meetings encouraged to participate at their own group, the day , time and room scheduled for such meetings.

  • Finish this Wiki for February 1st. Attendees will have time to complete the requested data until March 22nd .
  • Request the  Request Staff collaboration to deliver certificates to the   "Mentors" who participated in this capacity mentoring prior to the meeting and in the meeting itself, and those who have met all the requirements.

e) Identify specific topics and speakers who will participate in the Mentoring Program at the London meeting. These themes emerge from the survey conducted by the ATLAS II Survey WG and the Capacity Building WG.

Action items




23) Activities before during the London meeting 

a) Take the course of ICANN Learn, which Nora Abussita and Staff are designing (it was asked to LACRALO only but can be modified to be offered to all At-Large).

We will have more information on this topic in the upcoming days.

Action items

  • Request to Nora Abussita if this same course can be adapted for all At-Large and be called At-Large Pre-Summit Course 2014 e-Learning and Capacity Building.
  • Working with ICANN Learn Staff and the Capacity Building WG to adjust the LACRALO eLearning Course that can adapt it to At-Large.


3) Activities during the London meeting


a) Mentoring Program will run Monday through Thursday from 7-8 am. When the general agenda of the meeting is available we can decide whether each session can be extended to 1.30 hour these days.

Action items

  • Request to the Staff if we can have available a room with breakfast included to encourage more participants. It was requested.
  • Request to the Sponsor group if we can get sponsorship for breakfast of these meetings.
  • Request to the Staff for interpretation services.
  • Flipcharts will be required for all these meetings.
  • Determine the 8 topics on which the training will be done and that will emerge from the most voted in the poll of the Survey WG and Capacity Building WG.
  • Identify the 8 guest speakers and to convey to them the respective invitation.


b) Each of these days will address two topics that have emerged from the survey and will be divided as follows:

i) TOPIC 1

-Presentation of the topic briefly by an expert from the community (be a short introductory presentation of the subject, it is very important  to allow questions from the attendees) - 10 min

-Q & A of attendees -10 min

-Indication of the day's meetings related to the topics discussed and questions from the audience - 10 min (this can be adjusted when the general agenda of the meeting is available).

ii) TOPIC 2

-Presentation of the topic briefly by an expert from the community - 10 min

-Q & A of attendees -10 min

-Indication of the day's meetings related to the topics discussed and questions from the audience - 10 min


From Day 2, this point may include feedback of the meeting participants about the meetings of the previous day in which they have participated.

From Day 2, this point may include feedback of the meeting participants about the meetings of the previous day in which they have participated.

We need moderators who are part of the Mentoring Program, who can help to respect the time allocated to have possibility to develop the themes and activities proposed.

In total the specific topics to be determined and that this mentoring will be received at the meeting are 8 tracks (2 tracks per day). These topics emerged from the most voted in the poll of the Survey WG and the Capacity Building WG.

c) It will encourage to the groups of mentors and mentored who have created previously to the meeting, to have informal meetings in the meeting itself (at the time lunch, coffee breaks, dinner, etc.) for consultations, questions or comments that are necessary to perform.

Action items

Participants of the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program will hold an Orientation Meeting Saturday 21st June between 13:00 and 15:00.

All participants will be asked to participate to meet each other both Mentors and Mentees and their respective groups.

Elements to identify ATLAS II At-Large Mentors and Mentees will be distributed during this Orientation Meeting.

Schedules for Mentors and Mentees will be developed.

Janice Douma Lange, who leads the ICANN Fellowship Program, will be invited to this session.

b)    All ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring program Participants should be invited to attending the morning sessions of the Fellowship Program during ICANN 50.

c)    During the Final Plenary Session on Thursday, 26 June, the certificates of who have served as Mentors will be distributed.  

Action items

  • Request Staff if we can have available a room for this meeting. It was requested. We have available a room on Saturday 21st June from 13 to 15 PM.
  • Consult to the Staff if it is possible to have a label identifier that can be pasted into the tag with the name and the association that is delivered at the time of registration, which says “ATLAS II Mentor”, or if we can get pins with the legend “ATLAS II Mentors” to other attendees who have some doubt know that these mentors Mentors are available to answer questions .


d) In the same Wiki in which groups of mentors and mentored were formed, a space for participants to publish any pending questions from these meetings and will be answered by the speakers and/or mentors will be created.

Another section will be created within this same Wiki so the attendees of the meeting can bring feedback on the general functioning of the Mentoring Program.

This Wiki will remain active after the meeting for participants to interact and share experiences of their respective RALOs and what is happening on the issues of the ICANN scope in their RALOs. E.g. new gTLDs, what is happening in each region and how it relates to the work of their ALS.



  • and provide guide in the meeting.
  • Include the outcomes of this Mentoring Program in the ATLAS II Reports to analyze what worked and what did not, and if it can be repeated in the future.


  • Consult with Cheryl and Wolf the possibility to include a Mentoring Program section within the work they are doing related to the ATLAS II reports.


fd) Upon returning from the meeting and within the term of one month (we should specifically set the date) will be required to the participants of the Mentoring Program to elaborate a report of the program activities in which they have participated, indicating the benefits provided by the program, and suggesting what aspects could be improved. This report will be published in the Mentoring Program Wiki program which will have a section for that purpose.

The publication of this report will be a prerequisite to be able to give them a certificate of "ATLAS II Mentoring Program Participants".

Action items

  • Request to the Staff the management of the participation certificates in the Mentoring Program.