Action Items:
1. Staff to Unlicensed user o create a New wiki page to consolidate comments and ideas. WG to review the page before Singapore. [Note to Cheryl, kindly let me know the title of the WIKI page.] a child page of the following wiki but NOT AT YET directly linked from that page. The URL for the new page will be distributed to the WG Members by staff when prepared.
2. Heidi (staff) Unlicensed user to check how the unknown speaker is recorded in the transcript.
Staff has confirmed: The unknown speaker is recorded as : Unidentified Participant
3. SV Unlicensed user to include the PPT , Dev'. Unlicensed user s document and Tijani Unlicensed user's report report (will be e-mailing shortly) to the WIKI page to be created.
3. Unlicensed user to schedule Next meeting: Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 17:00 UTC (90 minutes)