Interpreters: Sabrina and Veronica
1. Welcome & Attendance (3 min - CLO/Staff)
. Review of
b. Continuation from last call (where we looked at ALAC ROP 21 Minimum Participation Requirements we may need to loop back to this one of course) and ALAC ROP 3 re Officers of the ALAC / ExCom) => Review of any and all existing Metrics and expectations from ALAC Rules of Procedure ROP 4, ROP 5, ROP 7, ROP 8, ROP 11, ROP 12, ROP 22 ?, and other Regional and ICANN documentation / agreements (40-60 min - CLO/WG)
See: ALAC, RALO, and ALS Metric Expectations and Requirements Workspace and 11 June Meeting ACroom Chat record and MeetingTranscript
the relevant sections from the new ALAC ROPs (Part B in particular Sec 9) and identification of our Current Work Requirement(s) and Program/Plan. (10-20 min - WG/Staff)
3. Discussion:
this meeting will focus on a
fairly general conversation on the 'next level' of Metrics, Measurables and any Expectations that the At-Large Community has, could or should hold as well as 'on who' and 'at what section of our ALAC / At-Large community structures they should apply. (20-30 min - OCL/CLO/WG)
4. Agreement on work practices and tools including use of Work Teams and/or appointment of pen holders and (10-20 min - WG/Staff)
See: Wiki Pages
5. AOB and review of AI's (3 min - CLO/Staff)
6. Next Meeting Confirmation of time, date and duration (3 min - CLO/Staff)
- Doodle poll
- Rotation of calls or fixed ; frequency
- Meeting option for Buenos Aires
7. References
Existing WG Wiki Pages