1) Welcome and WHOIS Basics - Carlton Samuels, Chair of the At-Large WHOIS Working Group (10 min)
- See: WHOIS RT Final Report
- See: Board Resolutions from Nov 2012
- See: Clause 3.2 of the current RAA
- See: Clause 3.3 of the current RAA
- See: WHOIS specifications per Appendix 5 of the .com Registry Agreement
- See: Inventory of WHOIS Service Requirements - Final Report
- See: Revised gTLD Registry Agreement with Public Interest Commitments Specification 2013-02-05
- See: WHOIS RT Final Report
- See: Board Resolutions from Nov 2012
2) SSAC Perspectives on Security and Integrity Issues vis-a-vis WHOIS - Jim Galvin, SSAC and Afilias (10 min)