Background of the CIP-CCG
Implementation of the Third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) Recommendation 3.6 to evolve Organizational Reviews into a Continuous Improvement Program (CIP).
The Third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) Recommendation 3.6 calls for Organizational Reviews to evolve into a Continuous Improvement Program (CIP). The recommendation to create a Continuous Improvement Program states that ICANN org shall work with each Supporting Organization (SO), Advisory Committee (AC) and their stakeholder groups, and the Nominating Committee (NC) to establish a Continuous Improvement Program. It will
March 6 at ICANN79
Audio recording: EN (01:01:32)
Zoom recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Zoom Chat Transcript: EN
Documents: Presentation Slides
Meeting Report: PDF
#8May 15th
#9June 5th
Current Activity of CIP-CCG a 'edit and revision of criteria and develop any S.M.A.R.T. 1 indicators for the Continuous improvement Program Framework in progress (as listed in Initial Activity data capture shown below as well as additions now made)' exercise. Project Timeline information regarding CIP-CCG work plan and the exercise below.
NOTE links here are to the prepared collaboration documents for community representatives:
ALAC Small Teamfor CIP activity
ALAC Current Doc in Review
1 S.M.A.R.T. indicators are 'Specific; Measurable; Attainable/Achievable; Realistic/Relevant; Timely/Time-Bound' use of these should result in objectives, aims or goals that are achievable, trackable and able to be measured for completion, compliance of 'success'. It is a way of designing and reviewing work (including CIP) that should provide both precision and clarity in the intent and a preplanned mechanism for measuring both progress and degree of success at completion. For a basic and general background see Wikipedia entry
Pre-planning activities and plans for CIP in the context of an ICANN CIP Framework (also S.M.A.R.T. ) for 2025-28 <sub pages need to be added>