2023-12-20 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule a CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 10 January 2024.
- The members of the CPWG supported holding CPWG meetings at each of the three ICANN Public Meetings. The agendas would include both strategic and forward looking section and relevant updates.
- Claudia Ruiz to send a reminder to the CPWG list for the Community consultation webinar on Public Interest Commitments and Registry Voluntary Commitments (PICs/RVCs), 18 December 2023, at 19:00-20:30 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 20 December at 14:00 UTC.
2023-12-06 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 5 April, at 13:00 UTC.
- CPWG members to provide steinar.grotterod comments on TPR input by 3 April (extended).
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 29 March at 19:00 UTC.
- hadia.elminiawi to facilitate final input on the draft comments regarding the Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates. Chantelle Doerksen and Claudia Ruiz to develop statement template if agreed. (Update: no statement)
- CPWG members to review ICANN76 At-Large talking points.
- Chantelle Doerksen and Heidi Ullrich to update the order of ALAC open Advice topics to the ICANN Board ahead of their ICANN76 bilateral (SubPro Advice ahead of Joint ALAC-GAC Advice).
- CPWG members encouraged to look at the final column of the GNSO-Board dependency document on SubPro.
- CPWG members are encouraged to attend/listen to the ICANN76 Prep Week Session on the SubPro ODP.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 1 March at 13:00 UTC (time change due to Prep Week sessions).
- hadia.elminiawi Confirmed CWPG will not draft a statement on the Proposed Procedure for Selecting a Top-Level Domain String for Private Use.
- hadia.elminiawi to lead final discussion on draft comments regarding the Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates during 1 March call (comment closes on 3 March).
- Chantelle Doerksen and jonathan.zuck to speak with Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Susie Johnson on use of prioritization matrix (APAT tool).
- Chantelle Doerksen and Heidi Ullrich to confirm if OFB-WG session is cancelled. (Confirmed as cancelled).
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 22 February at 13:00 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the following CPWG call on 1 March at 13:00 UTC to avoid overlap with ICANN76 Policy Update webinar (to be cancelled if needed).
- hadia.elminiawito draft brief statements on the two open proceedings for CPWG consideration: Proposed Procedure for Selecting a Top-Level Domain String for Private Use (closing 28 February) and Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates (closing 3 March 2023).
- Chantelle Doerksen to confirm Board Advice pages as current, which are updated quarterly (March, June, September, December).
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 15 February at 19:00 UTC.
- satish.babu to ask for volunteer to review Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates (closing 3 March 2023).
- steinar.grotterod and DANIEL NANGHAKA to submit At-Large feedback to Transfer Review Policy PDP on shorter TTL for registries discussion (no consensus).
- gregory.shatan and Alan Greenberg to circulate notes on Closed Generics when published.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 8 February at 14:00 UTC.
- jonathan.zuck to lead the small At-Large team on developing advice on SubPro based on the recent letter to the Board. (ongoing)
- Chantelle Doerksen WSIS to be added to agenda for 8-Feb call
- Chantelle Doerksen to add ICANN76 Plenary topic to agenda for 8-Feb Call
- satish.babu and Justine Chew to submit At-Large feedback on the EPDP-IDN charter questions.
- Maureen and Sarah K to submit At-Large feedback on the GGP Applicant Support Tasks 3-5 homework.
- gregory.shatan and Alan Greenberg to prepare update on Closed Generics for 8-Feb call.
- hadia.elminiawi, on 8-Feb call, to lead discussion for Public Comments on two open proceedings for CPWG consideration: Proposed Procedure for Selecting a Top-Level Domain String for Private Use (closing 28 February) and Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates (closing 3 March 2023). CPWG