- gregory.shatan noted that the Closed Generics Small Group will be inviting the main penholders of the comments on the Draft Framework on Closed Generics to their next meeting.
- Michelle DeSmyter to publicize the Closed Generics Small Group call being held on 7 August at 20:00 UTC on the CPWG mailing list.
- Alan Greenberg and gregory.shatan volunteered to be the ALAC Alternate on the CSC.
- ICANN78 Session proposals:
- *Session Title: Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures: SpaceX, IRIS2, and Equitable Internet Access for All*
- Session on Reviews - Holistic Review, etc.
- Chantelle Doerksen to add the topic of NIS2 to the CPWG agenda on the 7 December call.
- Chantelle Doerksen to find the CPWG call where Justine Chew has invited recipients of the Applicant Support for her SubPro update and forward the details of this call to Tijani & Sarah
Ongoing: Tijani BEN JEMAA and Sarah K should be supported by participants into formulating what the ALAC wants out of Applicant support, and specifically "What is 'success' in applicant support?"
- Postponed - for 7 December call or after: On call of 30 November, the CPWG should discuss options: (a) a closed group of people that could discuss this with Tijani & Sarah (i.e., a Skype Group of the same type as the EPDP on IDNs skype group) and (b) a future CPWG call where Applicant Support is given a 30 minute slot to discuss Applicant Support.
Postponed - revisit in April 2023: Chantelle Doerksen to confirm with satish.babu, Justine Chew , hadia.elminiawi and others that they will be able to provide a detailed report on the EPDP- IDNs initial report on the CPWG call of 30 November.
- Confirmed - for 7 December: Lianna Galstyan to be asked to give an update on Initial report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism on the call of 30 November.
- Ongoing: Chantelle Doerksen and Alan Greenberg to collaborate on creating a revised ALAC statement on Registration Data Consensus Policy for gTLDs that includes a note that NIS2 requires thick Who-Is to the already submitted.
- Pending: Chantelle Doerksen and Claudia Ruiz to work with jonathan.zuck on holding a consensus call on the revised ALAC Statement on Registration Data Consensus Policy for gTLDs and submitting it prior to the extended deadline of 5 December.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 30 November at 19:00 UTC.
- hadia.elminiawi and Alan Greenberg to develop notes for consideration on the Registration Data Consensus Policy for gTLDs Public Comment proceeding. CPWG members encouraged to use the workspace for initial comments.
Public Comment Proceedings:
- satish.babu to submit input informally to the group, rather than as a statement via the Public Comment proceeding on the Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems. (pending confirmation)
- No comment needed on the Proposed Amendments to the Base gTLD RA and RAA to Add RDAP Contract Obligations and Proposed Amendments to the SLA for the IANA Numbering Services Public Comment proceedings.
- hadia.elminiawi to continue discussions on the Registration Data Consensus Policy for gTLDs Public Comment proceeding next week.
- Heidi Ullrich to add Alan Greenberg 's SSAD ODP 5 min update to next week's agenda.
- Claudia Ruiz to add formal acceptance for IGO Final Report to IGP PDP update on next week's agenda.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule next CPWG call on 23 March at 13:00 UTC.
- The CPWG recommended that no statement be prepared for either the Policy Status Report: Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) or the Root Zone Update Process Study.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to circulate Google Doc of ALAC responses re: ALAC Advice on Subsequent Procedures to the CPWG list, for comment by Wednesday, 26 Jan (next CPWG).
- Justine Chewand jonathan.zuckto present ALAC responses re: ALAC advice on Subsequent Procedures to the ALAC (Note: ALAC Monthly on 25 Jan).
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to submit ALAC statement on ccNSO Proposed Policy on the Retirement of ccTLDs to Public Comment.
- satish.babuand IDNs-EPDP team to present during week of 1 Feb.
- Claudia Ruizand support team to create standing wiki page for CPWG action items.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to create At-Large workspace for RDA Scoping Team.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to mark Proposal for Myanmar Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules as "No Statement".
- Justine Chewto follow up with CPWG regarding suggestions on discussion topics for the ALAC-GNSO Council session at ICANN73. Reference: At-Large Questions for ICANN73, potentially create wiki page for this meeting's discussion topics. CC Heidi Ullrich
- Yesim Saglam to schedule next CPWG on Wednesday, 26 Jan at 19 UTC.