Zoom Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/96985758439?pwd=ZlpzRWNDdWN5dllCV0xNeHNYWGZvZz09 / Password: SMWGCall#1
Dial-out Participants:
EN: Olévié Kouami
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
Topic | Discussion
| Lead | Allotted Time/Running Time |
Roll Call | Roll Call by ICANN AT-Large Staff | Staff | (00:02/ 00:02) |
Intro | Introductory Remarks by SWWG Co-Chairs - This meeting is
a meeting - for ICANN 73 SM execution (assuming similar SM strategy used in ICANN72)
- Assign responsibilities to spread the work
- Create hashtags and
/or - mentions; messages, images, links
- Define metrics and how to measure them
- Why: To measure outreach and engagement
- Schedule emails and
twitter | Eduardo Denise | (00:08/ 00:10) |
Hashtags & Mentions | Discussion - Reach consensus on hashtags and
/or .@Icann - mentions to use
- Possibilities:
#Icann72 #sm73xx (xx = meeting number)- #icann73
- #atLarge73
- .@icann **
- .@IcannAtLarge **
- .@naralo ** (other RALOs as well)
- #sm73xx
- Where
- sm = social media
- 73 is the ICANN meeting number
- xx = session number
- For example:
- for the first session, "At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73." use #sm7301
** (notice the "." in front of the mention) |
.@IcannAtLarge.@NARALOsee: ICANN73 SMWG Google Working SheetNote: use camel case notation for hashtags. They are easier to read. Image Added
| Eduardo All | (00:10 / 00:20) |
Messages | |
Reach consensus on key messages for ICANN73 ICANN73Jonathan/Daniel/All | (00:10 / 00:30) | Images/Best Practice | Presentation - Best Practice on posting effective posts
| Jonathan | (00:10 / 00:40) |
Metrics | Discussion - Defining metrics and how to measure them
| Eduardo | - ICANN 73
- At-Large Wiki Social Media Resources
- Presentation by Jonathan Zuck: "A Few Social Media Tips" (Starts at 27:40)
- Session details in ICANN 73 official schedule
- For example:
- for the first session, "At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73."
Image Added
- Others?
- Designation of a Sub-Group to develop messages
- Tasks
- Create messages for each session
- (for discussion) How many and what type, i.e., invitation, policy, etc.
- Insert appropriate hashtags in critical positions
- Who (max. three volunteers)
- Local languages
- All of us: use translation tools and adjust accordingly
| Eduardo All | (00:15 / 00:35) |
Metrics | Discussion - Designation of a Sub-Group for Metrics
- Tasks:
- Define the metrics (proposed)
- Outreach
- Twitter
- Number of followers/day
- Facebook
- Number of likes/day
- Engamenent
- Twitter
- Clicks + retweets + replies + follows + likes
- Facebook
- Post + reactions
- Hashtags Efficiency
- Tools to check these require a paid subsctiption
- Measure metrics daily through ICANN 73
- Reports findings in the SM ICANN 73 working table: https://bit.ly/smworkingtableicann73
| Eduardo All | (00:10 / 00: |
50)Schedule emails and Twitter messages and overall timeline | Discussion
Scheduling social media activitiessee: Resources | Discussion - Resources
| Eduardo45) |
Timeline | Discussion - 4 March
- All messages and supporting images ready by 24:00 UTC
- 5,6 March:
- Schedule all Twitter and Email messages for the entire week as applicable
- Email 10 minutes before the start of each session
- All Twitter messages in the ICANN 73 working table:
- ICANN73 SMWG Google Working Sheet
TimelineEduardo/Denise | (00:07 / 00:57) | - Use the following table to schedule your messages
Image Added
- 7-10 March:
- Send individual twitter messages during those sessions that you participate
- Use proposed hashtags
- 20 March
- Metrics ready
- 1 April
- SM Final Results and Reccomendation Report for ICANN 73
| Eduardo All | (00: |