Zoom Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/96985758439?pwd=ZlpzRWNDdWN5dllCV0xNeHNYWGZvZz09 / Password: SMWGCall#1
Dial-out Participants:
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
Topic | Discussion
| Lead | Allotted Time/Running Time |
Roll Call | Roll Call by ICANN AT-Large Staff | Staff | (00:02/ 00:02) |
Intro | Introductory Remarks by SWWG Co-Chairs - This is a preparation meeting for ICANN 73 SM execution (assuming similar SM strategy used in ICANN72)
- Assign responsibilities to spread the work
- Create hashtags and/or mentions; messages, images, links
- Define metrics and how to measure them
- Why: To measure outreach and engagement
- Schedule emails and twitter messages
- Timeline
- Use SM ICANN 73 working table: https://bit.ly/smworkingtableicann73
- Resources:
- SM ICANN 72 working table: https://bit.ly/smworkingtableicann72
- ICANN 72 SM Strategy: https://bit.ly/smstrategyicann72
- ICANN 72 SM toolkit: https://bit.ly/smtoolkiticann72
| Eduardo Denise | (00:08/ 00:10) |
Hashtags Mentions | Discussion - Reach consensus on hashtags and/or mentions to use
- Posibilities:
- #Icann72
- .@Icann (notice the "." in front of the mention)
- .@IcannAtLarge
- #sm73xx (xx = meeting number)
| All | (00:10 / 00:20) |