Coordinating the Internet unique identifiers and the interests of the Internet users - EE
- N/A
Notes: Steven Crocker, former ICANN Board Chairman, provided an overview of the Internet unique identifiers, their history and the evolution of the interests of Internet end users. There was a peak of 100 participants observed.
- Staff to schedule an ALAC/GAC call regarding EPDP and next steps after ICANN69. See Notes below.
- CPWG to include comparative analysis of ALAC, GAC, ICANN Board/org positions on SubPro to see where there may be commonality between ALAC and GAC. When on agenda, GAC members to be invited to discuss.
Notes: Manal noted that EPDP representatives from GAC and ALAC would have a follow up call after ICANN69. The GAC will select their reps, and Maureen noted that the ALAC would confirm their reps for EPDP. Justine Chew presented on points of consensus between the GAC and ALAC on SubPro. Jeff Neumann comment about ALAC concerns in their recent statement being addressed regarding CPE. Maureen emphasized the value of the CPWG in the efficient development of ALAC/At-Large policy positions, with particular respect to SubPro. Jonathan Zuck presented on the At-Large DNS Abuse Education Campaign, and asked GAC members for relevant material/contacts. Switzerland shared some material(s) in the chat. Finally, Manal noted that a new GAC liaison to ALAC is needed. There was a peak of 207 participants observed.