17:00-18:00 UTC (60min) For other times: | At-Large Policy Session 3: ICANN Accountability and Transparency and the ICANN Reviews (part 1) This proposal aims to both explore the ATRT3 recommendations regarding Reviews and the Board approval of the ATRT3 Final Report as well as expand the understanding of the perspectives of all ICANN Constituencies on the implementation of the recommendations. Rationale: The rationale of this plenary proposal is to increase the knowledge and understanding across ICANN of the ATRT3 recommendations on Reviews, specifically the Holistic Review, and their implementation from the perspectives of all ICANN Constituencies, Board and Org.
| Moderators: Sébastien Bachollet & Heather Forrest Lead: HU Notes: SV RPMs: | ||
18:00-18:30 | Break | |||
18:30-19:30 UTC | At-Large Policy Session 3: ICANN Accountability and Transparency and the ICANN Reviews (part 2) Part 2 - Plenary session (1 hour)
| Moderator: Sébastien Bachollet Lead: HU Notes: EE RPMs: | ||
20:00-21:30 UTC | At-Large Trivia Event, hosted by NARALO Participants will have the chance to play a game and test their knowledge on ICANN and the North American region, the region hosting ICANN 72 virtually. Please register at: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkcO6oqTooGNJBVf2qEqqc3e1yPhWrBjpY | MC: Judith Hellerstein Lead: SV |