00:30:12 Jaewon Son: Hello everyone!
00:31:08 Yesim Nazlar: RTT Link: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
00:31:17 Sébastien Bachollet (EURALO): Adigo (from France) seems not working
00:31:47 Sébastien Bachollet (EURALO): Can AMJB have a dial out for French Channel?
00:32:21 Yesim Nazlar: Yes sure Sébastien
00:32:59 Herb Waye Ombuds: Greetings everyone. Nice to join you on this chilly snowy Canadian morning.
00:33:12 Heidi Ullrich: Welcome, All.
00:33:18 Chokri Ben Romdhane: Hi all
00:33:30 Jonathan Zuck: Good morning!
00:35:42 Vrikson Acosta: Greetings everyone :)
00:37:51 Sébastien Bachollet (EURALO): Do ALAC has the same members for EPDP2.A?
00:39:04 Alan Greenberg: @Seb, except for Bastiaan who has resigned
00:39:11 Alan Greenberg: NOt replaced at this time.
00:39:32 Sébastien Bachollet (EURALO): OK thanks for the information and for YOUR commitment
00:40:54 hadia Elminiawi: To be an observer please send an email to gnso-secs@icann.org
00:42:14 hadia Elminiawi: @Chokri you are joining the same call but without the ability to participate
00:43:23 hadia Elminiawi: let's create an observers list
00:44:48 Chokri Ben Romdhane: Thank you Hadia , I'm alreay EPDP observer
00:46:11 Yrjo Lansipuro: @Thanks Hadia and Alan, I start organising the intersessional with your GAC counterparts
00:46:13 hadia Elminiawi: +1 Alan sure before the first EPDP meeting
00:47:54 hadia Elminiawi: @Chokri great so you are subscribed to the mailing list on a read only basis
00:49:36 Evin Erdogdu: ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on Subsequent Procedures and ALAC Minority Statement for SubPro PDP Final Report (Comment-only Googledoc): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-79Ih9SkfTDBPT4MkIxJwawFdK3gyXC-pqd4yzxpK1w/edit?usp=sharing
00:50:29 Amrita Choudhury: This format is good
00:54:38 Amrita Choudhury: The point of Christopher seems worthwhile to consider
00:58:10 hadia Elminiawi: We should all be equally happy - however it is what it is
01:00:17 Marita Moll: I was making the point that minority report in this case does not mean we are describing ourselves as a minority. It means we are taking strong exception to parts of the report
01:00:33 Amrita Choudhury: Submission should be made subsequently there is no harm in raising the concern why Advisory committee representing end users should be considered minority.
01:00:38 Alan Greenberg: Note the GAC *DID* support a minority report (and a STRONG one) to the EPDP Phase 2 Report.
01:02:34 Roberto: I tend to prefer to have our voice heard rather than keeping a matter of principle. Maybe in the statement itself we can make clear that we do not consider our report a “minority” although we understand that it is a matter of terminology.
01:03:01 Lutz Donnerhacke: Minority Reports refers to the "Position itself" not of the magrinality of the objector.
01:03:04 Judith Hellerstein: i disagree with Christopher on this. minority’s the technical term to disagree with a disagreement
01:03:08 Marita Moll: @Roberto has a great compromise
01:06:50 Alan Greenberg: We called it an "ALAC Statement submitted for inclusion in the FInal Report....
01:07:18 Amrita Choudhury: +1 Alan
01:14:07 Marita Moll: If they are voluntary, it's not regulation, is it @Greg
01:14:08 Hanan Khatib: there isa voice un the back
01:14:32 Yesim Nazlar: Sorry, coming from Greg’s line - can’t mute as he’s speaking
01:18:07 Roberto: If content is not in the scope of ICANN, then why is content included in the contracts that ICANN stipulates?
01:18:14 Greg Shatan: +1 Alan
01:18:20 avri doria: The Board is quite concerned with enforceable contracts. As we tried to point out, part of the problem is agreeing to contracts that include points that can't be enforced.
01:18:32 Greg Shatan: I will be back in a quieter place shortly....
01:18:50 Evin Erdogdu: Sure will do
01:19:38 Nadira AL-ARAJ: yes, I do expect the same at the board level @Avri
01:21:06 Nadira AL-ARAJ: +1 Olivier
01:21:50 Alan Greenberg: @Marita, just the opposite!
01:22:56 Greg Shatan: It’s terrible “vocabulary”
01:23:45 avri doria: So the question becomes, can it even be put in a contract?
01:26:05 Marita Moll: Clearer language would really help -- the word voluntary should be there
01:26:15 Alan Greenberg: To be clear, we are not alone in feeling that contracts should be enforced. Whether we have consensus is a different matter.
01:26:21 Marita Moll: Sorry, NOT be there
01:26:38 Jonathan Zuck: @Avri, as long as the organization isn’t designing these commitments, outside its remit, they should be enforceable
01:27:22 Nadira AL-ARAJ: I assume anything to be included in the contract cannot go beyond ICANN bylaws.
01:28:33 Harold Arcos: I must disconnect from laptop ,, I continue via mobile.
01:29:45 avri doria: they has not been a decision of the Board on any of this.
01:30:27 Jonathan Zuck: Thanks for the clarification, @Avri. I misspoke
01:32:48 christopher wilkinson: Thankyou, All. Have to leave the call now.
01:36:32 Greg Shatan: The current PICs are grandfathered under the bylaws
01:37:43 Marita Moll: voluntary, enforceable or not??
01:38:02 Jonathan Zuck: Voluntary commitments ARE enforceable
01:38:28 Marita Moll: unless it is content -- this is confusing
01:39:06 Jonathan Zuck: Marita, if it’s in the contract, it’s enforceable, by defintion
01:40:08 avri doria: sometimes enforceability requires clear working in addition to being in mission.
01:40:47 Jonathan Zuck: Agree, @Avri. Clarity is key to enforceability as well, as a practical matter
01:43:35 Marita Moll: Starting with clear language @Avri, JZ
01:43:41 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you Hadia, will note your review
01:46:10 Lutz Donnerhacke: I'll write a comment on the work space
01:46:15 hadia Elminiawi: yes
01:46:31 Olivier Crépin-Leblond (UK England Chapter): thanks @Lutz for writing points in the workspace too
01:49:02 Judith Hellerstein: But i think we still have RTT
01:49:59 Hanan Khatib: good, thank you all
01:49:59 alberto soto: Thanks, bye!!
01:50:00 Marita Moll: Bye all. Thanks
01:50:00 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you all!
01:50:01 Jaewon Son: Thank you!
01:50:01 Herb Waye Ombuds: Take care everyone stay safe and be kind
01:50:01 Amrita Choudhury: Thank you for all the update
01:50:18 Nadira AL-ARAJ: thank you all
01:50:20 Roberto: bye all
01:50:21 Nadira AL-ARAJ: bye
01:50:21 hadia Elminiawi: just tobye note today I do not have my eyeglasses
01:50:29 Heidi Ullrich: Bye, All.
01:50:32 Vrikson Acosta: Bye. See you
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