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Call for Papers & Participation – 2015 Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) & Nigeria IPv6 Roundtable (African Regional At Large Organisation (AFRALO))
2011-12-08 - Thank You from Security and Stability Advisory Committee to John Schnizlein (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-12-08 - SSAC Appointments – Don Blumenthal and Rod Rasmussen (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-10-28 - Thank You to Patrick Vande Walle (SSAC) (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-10-28 - Thank You to Harald Alvestrand (SSAC) (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-10-28 - Approval of SSAC Member Reappointments (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-10-28 - Approval of SSAC Member Appointments (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-08-25 - Approval of Receipt of Report from TR-WG (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-06-24 - Changes to SSAC Membership – Thanks to Duncan Hart (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2011-06-24 - Changes to SSAC Membership – Appointment of Jason Livingood (Transparency and Accountability Projects)