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2017-11-17 Formation of the Future LACRALO Council WG Call (Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO))
2017-09-29 Formation of the Future LACRALO Council WG Call (Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO))
2017-08-04 Formation of the Future LACRALO Council WG Call (Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO))
2017-07-14 Formation of the Future LACRALO Council WG Call (Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO))
2017-06-14 Formation of the Future LACRALO Council WG Call (Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO))
2017-06-08 Formation of the Future LACRALO Council WG Call (Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO))
2017-05-24 LACRALO Council of Elders Working Group Call (Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO))