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ALAC Meeting Notes

11, 12, 14 July 2005

Luxembourg ICANN Meeting

(Note: these are informal meeting notes provided for public information; they are not transcripts and accuracy

is not guaranteed)

Monday 11 July – Vittorio Bertola, Izumi Aizu, Jean Armour Polly, Annette Muehlburg, Roberto Gaetano,

Bret Fausett, John Levine, Sebastian Ricciardi, Tommy Matsumoto; Denise Michel, ICANN; and members of

the public

• Agenda and scheduling discussions

• Liaison reports

o RG – no consensus yet on approving Strat Plan; it is tied to budget and operational plan; discussion

continues; he recommended Board approve a short strat plan document with key issues and have an

annex that says discussions will continue and details will be added; Board spending lot of time

discussing sTLD applications – particularly long discussions on .xxx and .cat; need to have strategy

for new gTLDs and operational plan for approving them; .NET decision very controversial and

Board was split; Verisign was awarded contract in tight vote; GNSO input stating Telcordia did not

apply criteria was strongest argument in favor of temporarily extending contract and continue

consideration – this was rejected by Board; RG would prefer to speak from consensus of ALAC, but

also shares personal opinion and shares received input/comments with Board.

o BF – WHOIS task force continues to have weekly meetings to “take temperature” of people and

getting reports and gathering information, especially from Registrars and Registries; these two

constituencies have issued a proposal – name servers and administrative contact would be public and

rest would not; registrant contact data would be offline, coupled with tiered access; should consider

giving ALAC support to this; new gTLDs – cross-constituency white paper under discussion at

constituency level and will be raised; expect a task force; Aug 1 deadline on new TLD question

paper and ALAC should provide input; should have public discussion on mail list about this and he

will draft position; message from Board is everyone needs to be working on this; GNSO wants to be

the conduit for all input on new gTLDs (ALAC has responsibility to advise Board as well); GNSO

public forum is evolving as important place to advance At-Large positions – WHOIS privacy should

be addressed now;

• New ALSs

o VB – problems with ALS approval process; many members don’t vote or take too long to vote; have

discussed changing process in past and Denise has circulated proposal for change; need to reconsider

process now;

o AM – need regional ALAC members to verify applicant’s qualifications; should have regional

members report on applicant

o SR – when responsibility is diluted among 3 people it is often difficult to get action/closure; see

proposal he circulated; suggests 1 member be “endorser” of every applicant; co-chair responsible for

ALS/AL network building selects “endorser” if is none;

o VB – asked for focal point member in each region;

o IA – procedural question and commitment question; suggests members be removed if they are not


o AM – all people in region should have first vote on proposal and then all of ALAC votes;

o SR – not practical to not have an enforcement mechanism to make ALAC members do their jobs;

you cannot require all 3 regional members to be involved/approve

o AM – agree; should have short period to allow regional members to object;

o IA – suggest ALAC address issue that we lack quorum; problem is often no responses;

o VB – problem is if there is any problem or question about proposal people don’t vote and you can’t

get 10 votes; problem is if 3-4 people aren’t convinced and abstain we can’t get votes

o SR – need to have outreach strategy and what we want accomplish;

o JL – problem with accreditation process is it is stuck;

• Self Review

o AM – EURALO, new TLD workshop, and GAC meeting yesterday, but not happy with preparation

of ALAC strategy for RALOs; should do more promotion on workshop; for GAC should prepare

and be more strategic and define potential alliance;

o IA – sent draft review in MdP meeting and observation hasn’t changed; has doubts about model

working in timely manner; criticism of ALAC from outside; should try to create RALO under

framework given and think of plan B

o JA – congrats to Bret for successful workshop and pushing policy statements; concerned about lack

of activity by some members; need to look into getting rid of dead wood; on cusp of doing

something great

o BF – if we have people who aren’t responding we need to ask them to resign (move them to observer

status); ALAC can change its procedures when it has quorum

o RG – problem is replacing deadwood with living wood; need to raise with NomCom need to have

stand-by or mechanism to replace someone who resigns; for RALO there is rising criticism about

model and its potential value; try hard until end of year and determine value; if we succeed and

create RALO it will help with outreach and replacing ALAC members; will give up at end of year on


o JL – no chance of having NARALO; N.Americans have many other ways of influencing ICANN;

At-Large can make a difference with website/communication and engaging members; reduce

quorum and move forward; accrediting ALSs – votes yes on all of the ALS applications to save

time; ALAC doesn’t have much power so don’t see point in encouraging people to become involved

o SR – disagrees; thinks ALAC is one of the most influential bodies; Board asked for our opinion and

community responds to ALAC statements; in ICANN’s bottom-up process At-Large is important

and ALAC has made important accomplishments; if you want more power show more leadership;

o TM – agree with SR and has made much progress; ALAC activity of forming RALO is way of

getting user voices to top is major focus and is promoting involvement – especially for developing

countries; in AP we have small numbers but many here and interested in forming RALO – and this is

very important (along with certifying ALSs).

o Ku Wei Wu – it is good we have chance for individuals participating; difficult to understand

application process and it needs to be more transparent; doesn’t know of better mechanism and will

work to form APRALO;

• Other

o SR – share problems of committed members with NomCom; must address Bret’s proposals on

mission and vision statements


o Wants 2 At-large representatives on it advisory committee

• Meeting with NCUC

o Agenda bashing… discuss shared issues, ways of coordinating our activities; WHOIS, new gTLDs,

IDNs, .NET, Registrar auctions, WSIS/WGIG and USDOC statement

o New gTLDs discussion… [no notes]; IDNs proposal to split – go forward with ascii TLDs and wait

on IDN TLDs, since the latter needs different process, and IDN policy should not be the purview of

the GSNO; worry about separating it would slow IDNs; Adam Peake drafting a potential statement

for consideration; concern expressed about giving IDNs to ccTLDs and thereby allowing a country

to control a language in the DNS (language communities instead of countries)

o WGIG – VB doesn’t expect much effect on ICANN internally, but should use it to push for ICANN

change – more transparency, accountability, translations; another WGIG member said report would

broadly recommend changes for inclusiveness and a focus on including developing world

participants; another WGIG member also noted civil/human rights and intellectual property issues;

Tuesday, 12 July – Annette Muehlberg, John Levine, Sebastian Ricciardi, Tommy Matsumoto, Vittorio

Bertola, Izumi Aizu, Pierre Dandjinou, Jean Armour Polly, Roberto Gaetano; Denise Michel, ICANN; and

members of the public


• ALS approval process

o RG – identify problem; difficulty approving due to low attendance in voting;

o VB – 3-4 people who don’t vote/participate; not resolving issues, asking questions

o SR – need co-chair to deal with AL building and run process; one person in charge of application

and interact with members and resolve questions/issues

o AM – want regions giving positions; don’t know if some ALAC members are alive or dead; ask

people to resign if they aren’t involved in ALAC; could reduce the amount of number needed for


o IA – some of members aren’t active (raised in MdP); contact them

o JA – likes Annette’s suggestion of regions making recommendations; say here’s the vote and who


o PD – asked members if they want to continued involvement

o DM – this was done late last year and every member re-confirmed their commitment

o VB – proposal: require clear opinion from members from region (with deadline?); minimum

requirements for member participation, or be excluded from the cmt; change of approval

requirements in bylaws; one person tasked with responsibility to push applications through?

o SR – talk to NomCom about problem of non-participation

o DM – Bylaws created as safeguard facing uncertainty of community response to new AL structure;

quality of groups that have submitted ALS applications to date show that there is not a need for such

a high threshold of approval – do not need 2/3 vote to approve; ALAC challenge is to get people

involved, not keep them out; amend the bylaws and move on to real work.

o TM – thinks process is OK, but how to involve all members in discussion and encourage

participation is important?

o PD – ask colleagues why they aren’t participating; may be scheduling/other commitments; its

important we hear from them and ask them specific questions;

o VB – DM and I will write members who are not here; make proposal for …[no notes]

o IA – wants warning and then impeachment of non-involved members

o SR – emailed members and asked if any questions; requiring full report on pending ALS

applications in their region (as someone suggested) would be burdensome

o RG – discuss application on teleconferences

o RG – a quick response; ask for explanations and suggest corrections; all no votes should respond to


o AM – should have to explain if vote NO

o VB – will make proposal for bylaw changes edit etc.; Pierre and Sebastian will report ASAP on

applications from their regions

• Regional Reports and Outreach

o TM – using APNG sub-group to involve new people and developing country groups;

o IA – APRALO meeting Thurs. morning; does not know if RALO structure will work

o PD – had consultant support in Accra and conducted outreach event earlier in year; Kenya event was

cancelled; did outreach at AfriNIC; interest in forming RALO

o RG – EU RALO meeting; EGENI outreach resulted in ISOC Pacific Islands application for AP;

concerned about predominance of ISOC in Europe; need to provide some value for ALS certification

and focus on involving ALS/RALO in ICANN work SR – MdP ICANN meeting was a big help in

soliciting interest and applications; Carlos Afonso’s comments opposing ICANN was problematic

and hurt Brazilian involvement; more activity in Internet arena so situation improving; focus on

Caribbean this quarter; thinking about how to get real participation from ALSs;

• Ombudsman (Frank Fowlie)

o FF - Took ALAC suggestion on multilingualism; posted information in 6 languages and will post

Ombudsman report in 4 languages; 130-140 complaints thus far, not counting 900 emails from

religious website on .XXX (typical complaint on this was form email opposing pornography/.xxx

and he responded with “outside my jurisdiction” statement); 8 ADR, 2 system improvement

recommendations; others resolved…[no notes]; true ICANN issues - 2 from organizations/large

companies and the rest from individuals (and small businesses)

o IA – any complaints about ALAC?

o FF - Confidentiality – can’t discuss unless notifying ALAC will help resolve; hasn’t received any

about ALAC; has provided Denise advice regarding unreasonable delay

o RG – important to distinguish between complaint and improving system

o FF - Made at least 2 recommendations for system improvements; if he were to receive ALAC

complaint and went through ADR and arrived at recommendation for change, he would give ALAC

formal recommendation; if receives significant # of complaints would examine need for change in


o FF - Not an advocate for complainant, is an advocate for fairness

o VB – public comments on .NET

o FF - Determine if issue is they have not followed advise or if they have not given reasons for


o IA – do you see significant change after Ombudsman instituted

o FF - Wasn’t in ICANN before so context difficult; has worked through some individuals

expectations of him being a “policeman” or tool for people’s anger; happy that this program is

unique – probably only ADR program that works entirely over Internet;

o IA – hard to find on website; need explanation of what Ombudsman

o FF - Don’t want to make it too easy… [no notes]

• NomCom (George Sadowsky; Jeannette Hoffman; Adam Peake)

o GS - Process report – data must be opaque; confidential input; don’t allow data sharing from year to

year; distinguished people would not want public to know they were not selected; non-selection due

to geographic, gender balance

o AP – if public it would open NomCom to lobbying, which they aren’t set-up for

o GS – Initial deadline extended; always get applications in the last few days so extend; 20 July;

always encourage submission of more qualified names; concerned about disillusioned rejected

people; will suggest some changes in process; mid-Sept final decisions and vetting selections; need

to announce Oct 27 or before;

o AP – if you’re asked for a reference please give detailed reference;

o JH – if you don’t like someone you can contact person and tell them you can’t give a good reference;

person gives NomCom references to contact; references are a decisive resource

o IA – Does NomCom need any help?

o GS – NomCom and community need to solicit volunteers

o JH – especially need statements of interest from women and developing countries

o SR – people with strong credentials sometimes don’t have time to participate

o GS – changed somewhat to address this; use references

o AP – spent more time telling people how much time it will take to serve

o GS – look at position description of ALAC and determine if it needs to be changed

o PD – challenge of involvement for Africa individuals

o JH – striking difference between ICANN and WSIS; need to make extra effort in developing


o JA – suggests booth at WSIS events (DM – already doing that)

o TM – need to remember important mission of forming RALO; need people with leadership and

vision to help form RALO; outreach ability

o IA – consider some ways to smoothly fill interim vacancies; as Interim would like to go off and use

NomCom process to be involved again’

o GS – are asking people if they want to be considered for interim vacancies; filling vacancy on

GNSO Council

o JH – NomCom still thinking about how to improve process; is it enriching competence, etc;

• Proposed Statements for Luxembourg Public Forum

o Proposed IDN joint statement with NCUC -- Need to get ALAC members input; will email to list

and seek Hong advice tomorrow morning when she arrives

o Budget Advisory Group statement -- Removed “gTLD” and “for the coming year” and emailed to

ALAC list for comment

o Statement on Transparency and Public Participation -- Edited in various places and sent to list

Thursday, 14 August -- John Levine, Sebastian Ricciardi, Vittorio Bertola, Izumi Aizu, Jean Armour Polly,

Annette Muehlberg, Hong Xue; Denise Michel, ICANN; and members of the public

• Budget – VB - Will send email to PT regarding expenditures

• Positions – VB – Will discuss process for new appointments to ALAC positions; Vittorio stepping down in


• Review –

o ? - New developments since previous draft of review; AP meeting well attended and productive this


o ? - Discussed Malaysia application (Denise will send email regarding closure);

o IA – suggests ending original ALAC members terms; members can be appointed again but important

to avoid perception as “squatters”

o VB – need to ask members again if they are able to serve; present formal set of resignations;

NomCom could possible appoint;

o VB – concern about perception if all resign at once

o DM – bylaw change may be needed

o SR – does not want to send message that we think we have not done a good job; should get on with

our real work

o IA – resignations not tied to review, just that 3 years long enough; although critical in past, we have

done a lot; will this RALO thing really fly; may want to reconsider another structure – global one so

don’t need 5 MOUs, secretariats etc.

o VB – determine if agreement to change bylaws or resign or…

o JL – for bylaw revisions people should draft and share language to consider; don’t think should

change bylaws for temporary appointments, but should determine if RALO feasible and then may

want to change bylaws on that

o HX – need long term planning,

o IA – In MdP agreed to try until end of year

o JA – should not discuss bylaws until Vancouver

o HX – evaluation or self-review?

o VB – ALAC did not receive the self-review and long-term plan Izumi Aizu and Clement Dzidonu

were supposed to do;

o …[no notes]…

o PD – conduct complete review and give to Board by Vancouver

o SR – appears JL is setting inappropriate standard for approving applications; when think of applying

process we decided to invite anyone interested and then once have structure try to improve it; if we

think it won’t work then we can discuss it, but lets not waste time

o JP – can groups have organizations too? (yet) I don’t share JL and WS point that it is hopeless and

will approach groups that haven’t approached; …. [no notes]

o VB – Board was going to do away with At-Large and then used an advisory group that suggested


o AM – Germany disappointed after elections and Board seats done away with

o HX – do we need self-review? And then consider time table for self-review? Should link self-review

with outside evaluation?

o AM – we will have done our job if we do outreach and address policies and involve good people in

process; need to find way to involve individual users by Vancouver

o IA – consensus in CapeTown to write review, wrote TOR, not complete; should be prepared

ourselves for review that is coming up for entire ICANN;

o SR -- will finalize the review by end August; will provide timeline

o VB – original members will be contacted by DM on whether they want to continue or resign ??

o AM – MOU language should be discussed first;

o PD – move on with review

• Positions

o SR – has proposal he sent; if vice chairs don’t have practical functions should not have them; should

have co-chairs responsible for policy and outreach

o AM – could also have functional appointments

o VB – it is important for people to do jobs they volunteer for

o IA – tend to burden chair for too many things; functions should be distributed; still need chair to

coordinate the coordinators

o DM – leader for policy, leader for outreach and 1 person in region responsible for meeting planning

o HX – could have floating chair focusing on outreach;

o PD – agree w/ DM; pose to others

o AM – chair should set agendas, need 1 chair - 2 chairs would be to hard to coordinate,

o BF – proposal would be 3 co-chairs at all times – determined by where ICANN was meeting

o IA – chair is face of ALAC and it would difficult all the time

o JM – chair, co-chair and functions

o HX – need 2 leaders – 1 permanent and 1 rotate to region (permanent policy) (rotate outreach in

region); could be equals or

• Positions/statements

o Keep present practices or change?

o AM – keep

o HX – if joint statement with another constituency we use more formal process for approving

o AM – clear deadline is good

o DM – keep in mind important to solicit At-Large community comment on draft positions when


o SR – getting ALS groups on board and asking them to consider draft statements;

o DM – ALAC members ask ALSs directly for input **send email**

o VB – can ask ALSs about new gTLDs

o AM – meeting with GAC on .city

o IA – should try to get meeting with Board members

o SR – need leadership from ALAC to get good interaction with Board

o BF – silos – Board meeting with constituency groups ..[no notes]

• Outreach

o SR – presented slides on Reaching the At-Large Users, communication issues and some ideas

o IA – likes approach; consider change name of “At-Large”

o SR – change name of newsletter

o SR – would help edit/shape messages on website

o JP – slides on website; could have banner ads and allow ALSs to subscribe .. banner of the week

o SR – use hot topics to start discussions on forum; maybe matter of interest and not accessibility

o JM – likes using different domains

o SR – brainstorm on list for domain names

• ALAC Conference call schedules

o Aug 2 at 22:00 UTC; Oct 4 at 14:00 UTC; Nov – first Tues and first Thurs alternating days and


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