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 Bruna Santos

 Shahul Hameed

 David Cake


 Louise Marie Hurel

 Thato Mfikwe

Hi all,

ThanksTapani for the confidence and nomination, including those who urged me to go for this challenge online and offline.

I accept this nomination and would be happy to serve on the NCUC EC as this will help with addressing 2 challenges within the SG and the constituency itself. I am currently the FC Chair and my involvement in the NUC EC will enable me to make input on the direction of NCUC while providing sound financial advice anddrivesimplificationfornewcomersthroughoutreachandcapacity building that will see more members involved in policy work and community activities and not just attending online meetings.

I am currently also working with other regional members on the ICANN AFRICA strategy draft comment and working with NCSG FC members on the draft of FC Operational Procedures. I hope my candidature will also help with meeting current challenges of the NCSG FC to obtain a fair representation in SG activities while providing sound financial advise and support that will build a bridge between the constituency and the stakeholder group.

Thus far I was involved in ICANN 59 outreach pre ICANN 59 Johannesburg (2017), constituency outreach at ICANN 61 Puerto Rico (2018), commented on ICANN 2018 FY budgets, the reserve fund, currently following subsequent procedures and auction proceeds discussions on the new gTLD program and I was nominated to represent NCUC on the NCSG Finance Committee early this year. I also started providing updates to NCUC on the NCSG FC activities and plans, attended over 70% of community online meetings (since 2016, when I first joined NCUC)andmentorednewcomerstostartunderstandingICANN and NCSG,alotbetterthanthecurrent traditional methods used.

Over the past years, I managed to work with and learn from various leaders and members of NCUC and NCSG (Farzaneh, Renata, Tapani and Ayden), which has enabled metoeasilyintegrateinthecruxofissues without reservations. Ines has done great in this role and I plan to improve on the work she has started by enabling regional members to deepen their involvement and help them gain confidence in community participation.

I am a member of AFRISIG, ACSIS (African Civil Society on Information Society), Africa Community Network Summit and member of the South African Multistakeholder (MS) Committee on Internet Governance, my affiliations will enable me to gainwiderreachofnoncommercialusers, locally, regionallyandtosomeextend, globally.

I am currently in communication with the Africa regional office on how ICANN fellows and community members can help with adding capacityinimplementationandmonitoring oftheregionalstrategy. Should my candidature be validated by an election on this seat, I intend to improve the natureandextendofNCUC's collaboration with the ICANN regional office on local initiatives and bring energy, vibrancy and improved membership engagement within the wider and regional NCUC community. Looking forward to bringing and enabling robust engagements within NCUC, if afforded the opportunity, thanks.

 Ines Hfaiedh


 Akinremi Peter Taiwo


NCUC Members


NCSG Members

Statement of Interest

I will be honoredto earn the trust of the NUCUand NCSG members to serve on NCUC EC.  I’m with full confidence that my participation in the EC will help achieve the NCUC objectives as set out in the NCUC charter and in the mind of every NCUC member

Working with the stakeholders in the ICANN environment and Internet Governance for a number of yearshavegiven me a sense of responsibility and commitment that is required to effectively function and assume a bigger task. Putting myself forward as the EC for Africa is to continue the excellent works of the ex-EC while bringing new perspectives that would enhance NCUC activeness and participation in the ICANN environment.

Working within a leadership team and collaboratively on several projects as ACSIS regional Coordinator for the West, I got a better sense of roles and responsibilities of the EC. I understand that an EC member needs to understand and be aligned with NCUC objective. My involvement in ICANN and IG discussions, public comment and willingness to engage, contribute and to representing the interest of the end usershasimpacted my capacity to take ontaskthat demand commitment. 

I’m aware of the strong need and challenges that interface with effective collaboration in the ICANN environment. In summary, I will be bringing the energy, the right skills, leadership experience and aptitude that NCUC needs to engage with different views that surface from different stakeholders.

At this juncture, I can’t but ask the following questions. How do we bring back the experience of the NCUC? How do we restore trust that has long gone? How do we recruit without making them a dormant fellow and finally, how do we keep living together to advance NCUCobjective.My simple answer to all these questions is embedded in love, discipline, sacrifice and compromise

I look forward toservein my full capacity if given a chance. 

Thank You!

Akinremi Peter Taiwo

  Latin America/Caribbean
 Antonella Perini

 North America
 Michael Karanicolas

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