A Message from ISPCP Chair, Tony Holmes...
Tony Holmes – Chair
The Internet Service and Connectivity Providers (ISPCP) Constituency is an integral part of the Generic Name Supporting Organization (GNSO). The Constituency's goal is to fulfill roles and responsibilities that are created by relevant ICANN and GNSO bylaws, rules or policies as ICANN proceeds to conclude its organization activities.
These responsibilities include the election of three members to the GNSO Council and to ensure that views of the ISPCP are appropriately communicated and understood. It will be particularly attentive to the needs and concerns of such providers and balance these with the public interest. The ISPCP Constituency is committed to wide membership participation as well as open, transparent procedures and practices.
The ISPCP also elects one representative to serve on the ICANN NomCom. This position is term-limited by the ICANN By-Laws.
An Executive Committee oversees the agenda and organizational activities of the Constituency. A /wiki/spaces/gnsoiscp/pages/98175695 is responsible for administrative support for the Constituency.
This section contains the following information about the ISPCP Constituency:
For further information about the ISPCP, please contact the ISPCP Secretariat.