Why is there an SSAC Review?
What is the scope of the SSAC Review?
What role does the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board play in the SSAC Review?
What is the SSAC Review Work Party and what is its role?
Who will perform the Review?
How will the Independent Examiner be selected?
Who has been selected as the Independent Examiner?
What is the Review methodology?
How can individuals and groups within the SSAC structure get involved?
What is the Community Survey and how will it be used?
What happens to the information submitted as part of the Community Survey?
What methods will the Independent Examiner use to collect data and information?
How will individuals be selected for interviews with the Independent Examiner?
What happens when the Independent Examiner completes the Review?
What is the estimated timeline for the SSAC Review?
How will we know whether the recommendations made a difference?
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