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Sub-group Members:    Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christopher Wilkinson, Farzanah Badii, Isaac Maposa, Jorge Cancio, Jorge Villa, Julf Helsingius, Kavouss Arasteh, Olga Cavalli, Rosalia Morales, Sebastien Bachollet, Seun Ojedeji, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Steve DelBianco, Tom Dale   (16)

Observers:  Andreea Brambilla, Berry Cobb, Meghan Healy, Michael Abejuela, Nigel Hickson   (5)

Staff:  Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry, Lars Hoffman, Nathalie Vergnolle, Tristana Webster

Apologies:  Avri Doria, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Herb Waye, Greg Shatan

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **




0.  Call Administration 

1. Review of any AI's from call #10 on October 20th   see:

2. Recap of Hyderabad Meeting 

3. Next Steps in our Work Plan  

    - Methodology for review of replies to our Survey questions (from mid Dec)    

    - Use of IRP track -  starting the discussion; we propose a briefing from IRP WT Chair at next call   

    - Preparation for next report to CCWG and timeline adjustments required propose a small drafting team be formed   

    - When and how to approach the matter of our mandate to discuss the Mutual Accountability Framework (as proposed for consideration in WS1) and any other Mutual Accountability Matters   

    - Basic foundations for our required 'Enhancing SOAC Accountability Workplan'  

    - Our part in 2017 Public Comment documentation    

4. Next Meeting and future Meeting schedule    

5. AOB and recap of any AI's   


0. Call Administration

  • Cheryl will update her SOI to reflect her recent appointment.

1. Review of any AI's from call #10 on October 20th 

  • No outstanding action items.

2. Recap of Hyderabad Meeting

Recap by Steve DelBianco:

    • Concerns expressed around the concept of Mutual Accountability Round-Table
    • IRP applicability to SO/AC: very little interest, but some concern (too heavy weight, too complex). 
    • Notion of the word "effectiveness": little interest on this track too.
    • SO/AC questionnaire: we'll need to nudge them to provide answers, which could be multi-layered for some

3. Next Steps in our Work Plan  

    - Methodology for review of replies to our Survey questions (from mid Dec)

    • Questions reviewed and sent out while in Hyderabad.
    • Need to identify who in this group is more familiar with each SO/AC to help interpret the answers.
    • We could catalog mechanisms in place.
    • Suggestion that a small subgroup be formed with expertise from each SO/AC to do an initial review.
    • Volunteers:

            - Steve (GNSO)

            - Olga (GAC)

            - Seun (ALAC)

            - Michael (ASO)

ACTION: reach out to Giovani to see if he could help w/ ccNSO.

ACTION: Ask Thomas Rickert to help us identify volunteers for RSSAC & SSAC

  • Suggestion to document the data captured. 
  • Graphical representation of data collected (Yes/No data collection) 
  • 3 general areas to organize the answers: Accountability, Transparency, Participation

ACTION (subgroup): meet and suggest way forward to organize the data capture by next week

ACTION (staff): support subgroup as necessary

    - Use of IRP track -  starting the discussion; we propose a briefing from IRP WT Chair at next call 

    • IRP was suggested in WS1 as a mechanism to end a dispute regarding SO/AC accountability.
    • A tutorial on how the IRP works would not be relevant.
    • Suggestion to bring in Ombudsman to get his point of view.
    • Here is what the Bylaws say to us about IRP:  "Assess whether the IRP would also be applicable to SO and AC activities."
    • Assumption is that this would be an adaptation of the IRP, to evaluate violation of an organization's charter.
    • Suggestion to review the CCWG proposal to see if more clarification can be found, else it would be up to the group to clarify. 
    • Jurisdiction and costs are significant issues for IRP, that would have to be tackled.

    - Preparation for next report to CCWG and timeline adjustments required propose a small drafting team be formed

    • Timeline presented. 1st draft of report should be drafted by early December, according to this timeline.
    • Group agrees this timeline is too tight to be met.

ACTION (staff): move topic to track 1

    • Suggestion to form a small drafting subteam to gather and start framing the report.
    • 1st step could be to re-arrange the existing report. 

ACTION (subgroup): form drafting subteam

    • Suggestion to have a discussion early January to organize ourselves on the drafting. 
    • Suggestion to poll our subgroup participants on this topic ahead of that meeting. 

    - When and how to approach the matter of our mandate to discuss the Mutual Accountability Framework (as proposed for consideration in WS1) and any other Mutual Accountability Matters  

    • proposal to do a fresh write-up of what works and what doesn't about MAR

    - Basic foundations for our required 'Enhancing SOAC Accountability Workplan' 

Item moved to next meeting

    - Our part in 2017 Public Comment documentation    

    • Item moved to next meeting

4. Next Meeting and future Meeting schedule 

    • Wednesday, 05:00 UTC

5. AOB and recap of any AI's


ACTION: reach out to Giovani to see if he could help w/ ccNSO.

ACTION: Ask Thomas Rickert to help us identify volunteers for RSSAC & SSAC 

  • Suggestion to document the data captured. 
  • Graphical representation of data collected (Yes/No data collection) 
  • 3 general areas to organize the answers: Accountability, Transparency, Participation 

ACTION (subgroup): meet and suggest way forward to organize the data capture by next week

ACTION (staff): support subgroup as necessary

ACTION (staff): move topic to track 1

    • Suggestion to form a small drafting subteam to gather and start framing the report.
    • 1st step could be to re-arrange the existing report. 

ACTION (subgroup): form drafting subteam

    • Suggestion to have a discussion early January to organize ourselves on the drafting. 
    • Suggestion to poll our subgroup participants on this topic ahead of that meeting. 

Documents Presented 

Chat Transcript

Yvette Guigneaux:Welcome all to the SO/AC Subgroup Meeting #11 | Thursday, 17 November @ 19:00 UTC!

  Farzaneh Badii:yes

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:welcome to GNSO Council, Cheryl

  Olga Cavalli:Hello from Buenos Aires

  Sivasubramanian M:hello

  Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland):Perhap mutually "accountability"  is not the right notion - and we meant that we should strive for mutual understanding

  Farzaneh Badii:Yes Jorge, others have also suggested other terms other than accountability

  Alan Greenberg:Perhaps more important, mutual respect!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Opps my caffine deprived brain  missed asking for anyone only on audio  I will rectify next, Apologise received to the list will be noted

  Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland):In Hyderabad we had various conversations of this kind, but on a bilateral level - perhaps we may need them on a plurilateral one - which leads us to a cross-comm setting... although perhaps we would need some process etc

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):good way of looking at it Alan, and we can of course recommend any form of altente to the Willie Currie MAR model that encouages Mutualism respect understanding and sharings of practices...  Yet  to be discussed

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Excellent  Jorge  your bilaterals  can make great contribution to our work in this track then :-)

  Farzaneh Badii:a nonbinding roundtable of So/ACs for exchanging views

  Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat):SO and AC Chairs meet regularly as necessary to coordinate issues requiring action, but those meetings are not documented. Perhaps we could consider building on that for general best practice updates, information exchange etc.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):All possible  as outcome / recoommendations  for the wder grou then Community to consider  Yes Farzi

  Farzaneh Badii:we definitely have to send a reminder

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Alan, Sevastien Sean all serve on the ALAC  Steve

  Olga Cavalli:GAC Olga can help

  Farzaneh Badii:Giovanni from ccnso

  Olga Cavalli:Mechanisms in writing could be useful

  Olga Cavalli:Agree with Alan that SO and AC are very different

  Farzaneh Badii:the mechanisms might be different , but ccountability criteria can be general and normative.

  Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland):+1 Alan...

  Olga Cavalli:small sub team sounds ok

  Olga Cavalli:+1 to Cheryl

  Olga Cavalli:I can hel

  Olga Cavalli:help

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:ByLaws ask us to do this: "(iii) Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee accountability, including but not limited to improved processes for accountability, transparency, and participation that are helpful to prevent capture;"

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:I can help with GNSO

  Olga Cavalli:I volunteer from GAC

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:so we have 3 general areas: Accountability, Transparency, Participation

  Olga Cavalli:welcome

  Michael Abejuela (ARIN):not sure if I"m officially a member of this subgroup but happy to help with the ASO portion as needed

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Noted Michael and we don't discriminate

  Olga Cavalli:not good audio :(

  Julf Helsingius:Audio is really bad

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:cannot understand

  Farzaneh Badii:yes Giovanni even proof read our report :)

  Farzaneh Badii:and representation

  Christopher Wilkinson:No objection. Support. CW

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:I recommend that we invite the new Ombudsman to join the IRP call.

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:@Alan -- here is what the Bylaws say to us about IRP:  "Assess whether the IRP would also be applicable to SO and AC activities."

  Farzaneh Badii:then the IRP scope has to be expanded

  Sebastien (ALAC):Steve no pb to invite the Ombuds but I think the rapporteur of the IOO DT (ICANN Ombuds Office) maybe can help also?

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:Yes, Sebastien.   Both, if possible

  Olga Cavalli:big echo

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:Cannot understand CW at all

  Olga Cavalli:I cannot understand :(

  Julf Helsingius:Distortion

  Farzaneh Badii:US does not have jurisdiction over IRP .

  Julf Helsingius:Sounds like mic is too loud

  Kavouss Arasteh:Farzaneh

  Farzaneh Badii:IRP was convened in the first place to provide an alternative to US courts. what jurisdiction sub group might want to decide is what th Lex Loci and Lex Arbitri is going to be

  Farzaneh Badii:Hello Kavouss.

  Christopher Wilkinson:Correct. Jurisdiction and Costs are a significant issue for IRP.

  Kavouss Arasteh:I suggest that you refrain to confirm or otherWISE us HAS or HAS NOT jurisdiction over IRP.

  Kavouss Arasteh:tHIS IS NOT A MATTER THAT ccwg are eligible to advise.

  Farzaneh Badii:well I shall correct myself. it does not have exclusive jurisdiction. it doesnt have now it doesn't have in the future. it's a matter of arbitration which should be discussed. I am not advising anyone. my opinion

  Farzaneh Badii:Steve please go ahead

  Kavouss Arasteh:We must ask for a circular from


  Christopher Wilkinson:BTW, what are the questions that would be asked in the context of collecting Data?

  Kavouss Arasteh:Whether or not US Coutrs has jurisdiction on

  Olga Cavalli:Some of us we will be in the IGF so please take that in consideration for the timelline and small drafting team

  Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland):+1 Olga

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:True, Olga.    Maybe we can get some of this work done while we are there in Mexico !

  Kavouss Arasteh:Ihave not been connected yet

  Farzaneh Badii:oh yes! I will be there too ...

  Farzaneh Badii:(*IGF)

  Sebastien (ALAC):I think all the items will end track 1

  Kavouss Arasteh:I AM NOT CONN3E4CTED

  Farzaneh Badii:yes ,,, :) I will

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:Sebastien -- are you thinking that Ombudsman will switch to track 1 ?

  Sebastien (ALAC):Because with the review of the IOO that now IOO DT is in charge we will also move to track one (if not later)

  Brenda Brewer:Calling you Kavouss.

  Christopher Wilkinson:NOt wishing to take the time of the call, but i must confess that I do not understand the difference between Track 1 and Track 2.

  Kavouss Arasteh:I AM NOT CONNECTED

  Farzaneh Badii:I will not object :)

  Olga Cavalli:Ok with Farzi!

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:@CW -- just look at the adobe.  It's just a distinction of timeline

  Sebastien (ALAC):@CW track one is more time than track 2


  Farzaneh Badii:yes Kavouss, it looks a bit unclear.

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:Willie Currie described MAR like this: "So one could imagine a Mutual Accountability Roundtable that meets once a year at the ICANN meeting that constitutes the annual general meeting. The form would be a roundtable of the Board, CEO and all supporting organisations and advisory committees, represented by their chairpersons. The roundtable would designate a chairperson for the roundtable from year to year at the end of each AGM who would be responsible for the next Mutual Accountability Roundtable. There could be a round of each structure giving an account of what worked and didn’t work in the year under review, following by a discussion on how to improve matters of performance. The purpose would be to create a space for mutual accountability as well as a learning space for improvement."

  Farzaneh Badii:yeah that should be the google calendar fault

  Farzaneh Badii:I got confused once myself.

  Christopher Wilkinson:Okay … if I have well understood, then  the Accountabiity should be on the same track as Jurisdiction and Transparency. CW

  Christopher Wilkinson:Agree shift acc. to Track 1.

  Farzaneh Badii:we have many comments on MAR . we can re-write what we have

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thanks  CW  noted

  Farzaneh Badii:I agree with Steve

  Kavouss Arasteh:Cherylc

  Steve DelBianco [CSG-GNSO]:that fresh writeup is what Farzi's drafting team would do in next several days

  Kavouss Arasteh:May you put your proposal in written text with reasons

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):OK  then  let's  set up a new write up then,  aas a first reading  and then I still want to get inut froom the WHOLE  of our WT  not just a small

  Brenda Brewer:Next SO/AC Meeting:  Wednesday, 23 Nov @ 05:00 UTC

  Farzaneh Badii:thanks everyone. bye

  Julf Helsingius:Thank you!

  Michael Abejuela (ARIN):Thank you everyone

  Olga Cavalli:thanks Cheryl!!

  Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland):thanks and bye!

  Nigel Hickson:bye; thanks

  Andreea Brambilla:Thank

  Sivasubramanian M:bye

  Andreea Brambilla:*Thanks!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Bye all  THANKS  for the extra time today

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