- sebastien.bachollet Filina Natalia to organise a sub-group to set up the operation rules for EURALO. Suggested: EURALO Operating Rules Task Force.
- Silvia Vivanco to communicate Operating Rules for the other 4 RALOs
- Gisella Gruber to coordinate with sebastien.bachollet and Olivier Crépin-Leblond the signature of the new EURALO Bylaws during the EURALO Virtual General Assembly in Berlin.
- Organise an ATLAS III EURALO Participants to gather their feedback and how they wish to engage in the future.
- sebastien.bachollet to send out a reminder to the EURALO List regarding the importance of proxies
- Gisella Gruber to coordinate with sebastien.bachollet and Filina Natalia, a Doole for the monthly EURALO call to confirm most suitable date and time. Third week of the month maintained for now
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